

   Please _ these ___ _ to school.


  What do you __ __ _____?


   Those __ __ _ the bed.


   Don't __ __ _ fruit for breakfast.


   My brother _ tomatoes. _ he ___ like broccoli.

相关热点: 花椰菜   西红柿   胡萝卜  



  • 共用题干‘Feed Me Better'
    When British TV chef Jamie Oliver launched his‘Feed Me Better'campaign in 2004 in schools in the Greenwich area of London with the aim of improving the diet of British schoolchildren,some people were skeptical about the impact it would have.Oliver's highly-publicized television campaign to improve school lunches led to dramatic changes in the meals offered to pupils in the Greenwich schools.In order to achieve his aim Oliver needed to show schools how to swap(交换)cheap processed meals , which were high in saturated fat(饱和脂肪),salt , and sugar , for healthier options.
    Now,research at the Institute for Social and Economic Research(ISER)has shown that Oliver's experiment did not only help pupils eat more healthily,it also resulted in them performing better at school in English and Science and in helping schools reduce their rates of absenteeism(缺勤).The ISER study, carried out by Michele Belol and Jonathan James,showed"substantial"positive effects,with the performance of 1 1 -year-old pupils eating Oliver's meals improving by up to 8% in Science and by as much as 6% in English.In addition,the number of children having authorized absences for sickness since 2004 showed a 14% decrease.
    The ISER study analysed the academic test results of more than 13,000 children in Greenwich between 2002 and 2007 to evaluate the impact of Oliver's healthier meals on school performance.Pupils who sat exams in 2006-2007 had been on the new diet for at least 12 months,and the researchers found that the number of pupils reaching higher levels of achievement had clearly risen.The study also compared the results of the schools in Greenwich with those of pupils of the same age in seven other London areas who did not eat the meals created by Oliver.The researchers were surprised by the speed of improvements in the Greenwich pupils.They could find no other explanation for the results except for the healthier and more nutritious meals created by Oliver.
    Commenting on ISER's findings,Oliver said he felt the research proved that he was right in his decision to remove fatty processed food and replace it with nutrient-rich(营养的)foods such as coconut (椰子),fish, and broccoli(花椰菜).He commented that “we could see that it made them calmer and therefore able to learn”. The healthier diet has helped schoolchildren improve academically.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned
  • 共用题干‘Feed Me Better'
    When British TV chef Jamie Oliver launched his‘Feed Me Better'campaign in 2004 in schools in the Greenwich area of London with the aim of improving the diet of British schoolchildren,some people were skeptical about the impact it would have.Oliver's highly-publicized television campaign to improve school lunches led to dramatic changes in the meals offered to pupils in the Greenwich schools.In order to achieve his aim Oliver needed to show schools how to swap(交换)cheap processed meals , which were high in saturated fat(饱和脂肪),salt , and sugar , for healthier options.
    Now,research at the Institute for Social and Economic Research(ISER)has shown that Oliver's experiment did not only help pupils eat more healthily,it also resulted in them performing better at school in English and Science and in helping schools reduce their rates of absenteeism(缺勤).The ISER study, carried out by Michele Belol and Jonathan James,showed"substantial"positive effects,with the performance of 1 1 -year-old pupils eating Oliver's meals improving by up to 8% in Science and by as much as 6% in English.In addition,the number of children having authorized absences for sickness since 2004 showed a 14% decrease.
    The ISER study analysed the academic test results of more than 13,000 children in Greenwich between 2002 and 2007 to evaluate the impact of Oliver's healthier meals on school performance.Pupils who sat exams in 2006-2007 had been on the new diet for at least 12 months,and the researchers found that the number of pupils reaching higher levels of achievement had clearly risen.The study also compared the results of the schools in Greenwich with those of pupils of the same age in seven other London areas who did not eat the meals created by Oliver.The researchers were surprised by the speed of improvements in the Greenwich pupils.They could find no other explanation for the results except for the healthier and more nutritious meals created by Oliver.
    Commenting on ISER's findings,Oliver said he felt the research proved that he was right in his decision to remove fatty processed food and replace it with nutrient-rich(营养的)foods such as coconut (椰子),fish, and broccoli(花椰菜).He commented that “we could see that it made them calmer and therefore able to learn”. The‘Feed Me Better'campaign targeted a healthier diet at schoolchildren.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned
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