When working on his novel, he was perfectly cautious not to make even a ( ) of the pen.

A.slid B.slip C.glide D.skid



  • The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately ( ) into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.

    A.boiled over B.boiled up C.boiled off D.boiled out
  • respect',="" 'order',="" and="" 'discipline'="" in="" an="" all-encompassing="" paternalism. '>

    During the preparation of papers for seminars, I had to face the conscious problem of writing about a system ( )silence and links such reticence to ideas of 'respect', 'order', and 'discipline' in an all-encompassing paternalism.

    A.what I know prefers B.which I know prefers C.that I know preferring D.in which I know to prefer
  • With the retaking of Madrid in early December 1808, Napoleon regarded victory in the Iberian campaign as a ( ). All that remained ( ) southern Spain and oust the British from Portugal.

    A.de facto to occupy B.de facto was to occupy C.fait accompli was to occupy D.fait accompli occupy
  • European officials, though, have already warned they will retaliate by boosting tariffs on US goods,( ) a row that has lasted six years and ( ) agreement in the GATT international trade talks involving 108 countries.

    A.escalating ... blocking B.to escalate ... to block C.escalating ... blocked D.escalated ... blocking
  • s="" industrial="" strength,="" however,="" suggests="" that="" there="" is="" still="" a="" long="" way="" to="" go="" before="" it="" will="" become="" truly="" advanced="" country="" on="" par="" with="" japan.First of all, the high proportion of labor-intensive products in China's exports means that its trade structure is typical of a newly industrializing economy (NIE).This is different from that of developed countries, where the major export items, such as machinery, are technology-intensive. Although China is increasing its share of the global market for manufactured goods, including some information-technology (IT) products that are classified as high-tech, Chinese exports are still highly concentrated in lower-end products. In the ease of televisions, for instance, Japan specializes in high-definition and other higher-end models, while China produces standard models whose unit values are much lower.Reflecting Chinas emphasis on processing trade, goods "made in China" contain large numbers of overseas components, some of which are made in Japan. According to official Chinese statistics, increasing exports by USS1 million requires importing intermediate goods and components worth $500,000, which do not form part of China's gross domestic product (GDP). Moreover, the proportion of this imported content is higher for high-tech than for low-tech products. A computer labeled "made in China" is likely to contain a large portion of imported contents including an Intel central processing unit (CPU), Microsoft Windows operating system, and a liquid crystal display made in Japan or South Korea.In addition, approximately half of China's exports are produced by subsidiaries of foreign companies, to which dividends, interest charges, royalties and other fees must be paid. Even among Chinese companies with no capital relations with overseas companies, the majority of their exports are processed under OEM (original equipment manufacturing) contracts and sold with foreign brand names. Thus only a very small percentage of the value-added of products labeled "made in China" is actually "made by China". The latter corresponds to the concept of China's gross national product (GNP), and excludes import charges on intermediate goods and investment income paid to overseas countries.China is so heavily dependent on foreign partners that it has yet to develop its own edge-cutting technology and internationally recognized brand names. On top of this; Chinese companies are inferior to their overseas counterparts in virtually every aspect, be it capital, human resources, or business management. As a result, China has no option but to look to cheap labor for its export competitiveness. Indeed, the majority of Chinas contribution to the value-added of its exports lies with the cost of labor, and the very low wages in China, averaging less than $100 a month, imply that this contribution must be very small. As such, the common assumption that Chinese goods are competitive because the country's wage levels are low holds true only for labor-intensive products and does not necessarily apply to industry as a whole. Instead, China's low wages should be interpreted as a reflection of the fact that its labor productivity is poor. It is when China's wage levels approach those of Japan, reflecting a rise in productivity, which China will really become a formidable competitor for Japan.1.Why does the author say "there is still a long way to go before it will become a truly advanced industrial country on par with Japan"?

    2.According to the author, what's the difference between products labeled "made in China" and those labeled "made by China'?

    3.Which of the following is true about the competitiveness of Japan's products?

    4.The word “subsidiaries” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ( ).

    5.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?


    Recently, Japanese imports of manufactured goods from China have surged and the reputation of Chinese prod

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