
(2016年)矫正社会工作者小林针对有些矫正对象因长期服刑不适应出狱后的生活这一问题,为其开办了以“生活适应”为主题的小组。在小组过程中,小林模拟西餐厅的情境,让服务对象分别扮演“主厨”“侍应生”与“顾客”,尝试体验不同的角色的感受和需求,以提升服务对象的人际交往能力。小林的上述做法回应了服务对象的(  )需求。

矫正社会工作者小林针对有些矫正对象因长期服刑不适应出狱后的生活这一问题,为其开办了以"生活适应"为主题的小组.在小组过程中,小林模拟西餐厅的情境,让服务对象分别扮演"主厨""侍应生"与"顾客",尝试体验不同角色的感受和需求,以提升服务对象的人际交往能力.小林的上述做法回应了服务对象( )的需要

  • A、再社会化

  • B、正常家庭生活

  • C、基本生存保障

  • D、就业权益保障


城市要种树这一点虽说是共识,但种什么树却大有讲究。以穿衣为喻,人都要穿衣,但穿什么衣却有不同选择。有钱人当然主要不为保暖遮羞,而是要体面,要独具风采;钱少的人就不能不量力而行;穷人自然图便宜,过得去就可以了。而对于做衣服的、卖衣服的,当然是经营高档衣服利润高;还有,大户人家、大酒店,即使囊内没钱,奴仆和侍应生也要衣着光鲜,那是主人的面子嘛。对这段文字的主旨概括最恰当的是(  )。





[单选]城市要种树这一点虽说是共识,但种什么树却大有讲究。以穿衣为喻.人都要穿衣.但穿什么衣却有不同选择。有钱人当然主要不为保暖遮羞,而是要体面,要独具风采:钱少的人就不能不量力而行;穷人自然图便宜,过得去就可以了。而对于做衣服的、卖衣服的.当然是经营高档衣服利润高;还有,大户人家、大酒店,即使囊内没钱,奴仆和侍应生也要衣着光鲜。那是主人的面子嘛。对这段文字的主旨概括最恰当的是(  )。








共用题干A Trainee Waiter
I was to be a trainee waiter(实习侍应生)at the restaurant. There are 50 waiters. Trainee waiters and waiters work as a team. The waiter is the front man,taking orders,chatting to the customers;the trainee,rather less glamorously,runs to the kitchen to bring up the orders and assist in serving them at the table.Although the trainee will actually do more physical work,they share the tips equally.All in all this is fair,as it must be pointed out that the senior waiter is actually responsible for keeping a running account of the bills and if he makes a mistake,or undercharges,the fine will be taken from his earnings.
I reported for work at 1 1 a. m. That may sound like a relaxed time to start the day,but the hours,I was soon to learn,are hell.The last client at lunchtime may not leave until 4 p.m.,or later,and the evening shift starts at 6 p.m. What can you do in the 2 hours,especially if you don't happen to live in central London?I used to live a bit far,so once or twice,I didn't get home until 5 p.m.
The trainee takes orders from the table down to the kitchen.He places the order for hot food under the nose of the chef who is shouting out orders to the cooks,while orders for cold dishes and salad go to a separate counter,and desserts are from yet another area. The kitchen is two flights of stairs away from the restaurant. The trainee then comes up to see if any more orders have been taken while the previous one is being prepared.At the same time,dishes have to be cleared or put on the table, glasses refilled,and somehow there always seems to be a new table with six or eight new orders to be filled.
Hell,I rather imagine,is like the kitchen of that restraint. Yelling chefs,endless banging of pots,men with red shinning faces,and trays with loads heavy enough to break your wrists.And running. Always running. Up and down,down and up.And since everyone is running,and always with loaded trays,you need to go to the gym to keep physically strong. However,the problem is still about time.I'm totally exhausted after work,and all I want at that time is to go to bed immediately and sleep for more than 8 hours continuously.I tried to budget my time wisely,but my plan always ended with failure.
Now,I become more rational.Instead of going to gym,and being worried for wasting my membership fee if I happen to have no time to go to the gym for a whole week,I walk home every day from work.It is cheap,and,what is more important,flexible.My home is only two blocks away from the restaurant,which makes it possible. Thank Goodness,the security of that district is always good, so I'm not running any risk of being robbed on my way home at night. I walk home every night only for the purpose of saving money.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned
共用题干A Trainee Waiter
I was to be a trainee waiter(实习侍应生)at the restaurant. There are 50 waiters. Trainee waiters and waiters work as a team. The waiter is the front man,taking orders,chatting to the customers;the trainee,rather less glamorously,runs to the kitchen to bring up the orders and assist in serving them at the table.Although the trainee will actually do more physical work,they share the tips equally.All in all this is fair,as it must be pointed out that the senior waiter is actually responsible for keeping a running account of the bills and if he makes a mistake,or undercharges,the fine will be taken from his earnings.
I reported for work at 1 1 a. m. That may sound like a relaxed time to start the day,but the hours,I was soon to learn,are hell.The last client at lunchtime may not leave until 4 p.m.,or later,and the evening shift starts at 6 p.m. What can you do in the 2 hours,especially if you don't happen to live in central London?I used to live a bit far,so once or twice,I didn't get home until 5 p.m.
The trainee takes orders from the table down to the kitchen.He places the order for hot food under the nose of the chef who is shouting out orders to the cooks,while orders for cold dishes and salad go to a separate counter,and desserts are from yet another area. The kitchen is two flights of stairs away from the restaurant. The trainee then comes up to see if any more orders have been taken while the previous one is being prepared.At the same time,dishes have to be cleared or put on the table, glasses refilled,and somehow there always seems to be a new table with six or eight new orders to be filled.
Hell,I rather imagine,is like the kitchen of that restraint. Yelling chefs,endless banging of pots,men with red shinning faces,and trays with loads heavy enough to break your wrists.And running. Always running. Up and down,down and up.And since everyone is running,and always with loaded trays,you need to go to the gym to keep physically strong. However,the problem is still about time.I'm totally exhausted after work,and all I want at that time is to go to bed immediately and sleep for more than 8 hours continuously.I tried to budget my time wisely,but my plan always ended with failure.
Now,I become more rational.Instead of going to gym,and being worried for wasting my membership fee if I happen to have no time to go to the gym for a whole week,I walk home every day from work.It is cheap,and,what is more important,flexible.My home is only two blocks away from the restaurant,which makes it possible. Thank Goodness,the security of that district is always good, so I'm not running any risk of being robbed on my way home at night. Orders for hot food,cold dishes and dessert go to different counters.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned
共用题干A Trainee Waiter
I was to be a trainee waiter(实习侍应生)at the restaurant. There are 50 waiters. Trainee waiters and waiters work as a team. The waiter is the front man,taking orders,chatting to the customers;the trainee,rather less glamorously,runs to the kitchen to bring up the orders and assist in serving them at the table.Although the trainee will actually do more physical work,they share the tips equally.All in all this is fair,as it must be pointed out that the senior waiter is actually responsible for keeping a running account of the bills and if he makes a mistake,or undercharges,the fine will be taken from his earnings.
I reported for work at 1 1 a. m. That may sound like a relaxed time to start the day,but the hours,I was soon to learn,are hell.The last client at lunchtime may not leave until 4 p.m.,or later,and the evening shift starts at 6 p.m. What can you do in the 2 hours,especially if you don't happen to live in central London?I used to live a bit far,so once or twice,I didn't get home until 5 p.m.
The trainee takes orders from the table down to the kitchen.He places the order for hot food under the nose of the chef who is shouting out orders to the cooks,while orders for cold dishes and salad go to a separate counter,and desserts are from yet another area. The kitchen is two flights of stairs away from the restaurant. The trainee then comes up to see if any more orders have been taken while the previous one is being prepared.At the same time,dishes have to be cleared or put on the table, glasses refilled,and somehow there always seems to be a new table with six or eight new orders to be filled.
Hell,I rather imagine,is like the kitchen of that restraint. Yelling chefs,endless banging of pots,men with red shinning faces,and trays with loads heavy enough to break your wrists.And running. Always running. Up and down,down and up.And since everyone is running,and always with loaded trays,you need to go to the gym to keep physically strong. However,the problem is still about time.I'm totally exhausted after work,and all I want at that time is to go to bed immediately and sleep for more than 8 hours continuously.I tried to budget my time wisely,but my plan always ended with failure.
Now,I become more rational.Instead of going to gym,and being worried for wasting my membership fee if I happen to have no time to go to the gym for a whole week,I walk home every day from work.It is cheap,and,what is more important,flexible.My home is only two blocks away from the restaurant,which makes it possible. Thank Goodness,the security of that district is always good, so I'm not running any risk of being robbed on my way home at night. I'm good at budgeting my time,so I often have plenty of sleep.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned
共用题干A Trainee Waiter
I was to be a trainee waiter(实习侍应生)at the restaurant. There are 50 waiters. Trainee waiters and waiters work as a team. The waiter is the front man,taking orders,chatting to the customers;the trainee,rather less glamorously,runs to the kitchen to bring up the orders and assist in serving them at the table.Although the trainee will actually do more physical work,they share the tips equally.All in all this is fair,as it must be pointed out that the senior waiter is actually responsible for keeping a running account of the bills and if he makes a mistake,or undercharges,the fine will be taken from his earnings.
I reported for work at 1 1 a. m. That may sound like a relaxed time to start the day,but the hours,I was soon to learn,are hell.The last client at lunchtime may not leave until 4 p.m.,or later,and the evening shift starts at 6 p.m. What can you do in the 2 hours,especially if you don't happen to live in central London?I used to live a bit far,so once or twice,I didn't get home until 5 p.m.
The trainee takes orders from the table down to the kitchen.He places the order for hot food under the nose of the chef who is shouting out orders to the cooks,while orders for cold dishes and salad go to a separate counter,and desserts are from yet another area. The kitchen is two flights of stairs away from the restaurant. The trainee then comes up to see if any more orders have been taken while the previous one is being prepared.At the same time,dishes have to be cleared or put on the table, glasses refilled,and somehow there always seems to be a new table with six or eight new orders to be filled.
Hell,I rather imagine,is like the kitchen of that restraint. Yelling chefs,endless banging of pots,men with red shinning faces,and trays with loads heavy enough to break your wrists.And running. Always running. Up and down,down and up.And since everyone is running,and always with loaded trays,you need to go to the gym to keep physically strong. However,the problem is still about time.I'm totally exhausted after work,and all I want at that time is to go to bed immediately and sleep for more than 8 hours continuously.I tried to budget my time wisely,but my plan always ended with failure.
Now,I become more rational.Instead of going to gym,and being worried for wasting my membership fee if I happen to have no time to go to the gym for a whole week,I walk home every day from work.It is cheap,and,what is more important,flexible.My home is only two blocks away from the restaurant,which makes it possible. Thank Goodness,the security of that district is always good, so I'm not running any risk of being robbed on my way home at night. The last client at dinnertime usually do not leave until 4 a. m.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned











