
Mind Those Manners on the Subway

So, there you are, just sitting there in the subway car, enjoying that book you just bought.

_\_46____ Or, the person sitting next to you takes out a nail clipper (指甲刀) and begins cutting his or her nails.

Annoying? Many of us have to spend some time every day on public transportation.__\_47___ So, to make the trip more pleasant, we suggest the following:

Let passengers get off the bus or subway car before you can get on.__\_48___

Stand away from the doors when they are closing.

Don&39;t talk loudly on a bus or subway. Chatting loudly with your friends can be annoying to others.__\_49___

Don&39;t think your bags and suitcases (手提箱) deserve a seat of their own.

Use a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze (打喷嚏). An uncovered sneeze can spread germs(细菌), especially in crowded places.

Don&39;t cut your nails or pick your nose on public transportation.

Don&39;t read over other people&39;s shoulder.__\_50___ It can make people uncomfortable. They might think you&39;re too stingy (小气的) even to buy a newspaper. Or they might think you&39;re judging their behavior.

第46题____ 查看材料

A.Don"t eat food in your car.

B.Don"t shout into your mobile phone on a bus or subway.

C.We all know that some behaviors are simply unacceptable.

D.Many people do this on subways, but it"s really annoying.

E.Getting off and on in an orderly manner can save time for all.

F.Suddenly, you feel someone leaning over your shoulder reading along with you.

相关热点: 指甲刀   手提箱  



  • 共用题干Mind Those Manners on the Subway
    So,there you are,just sitting there in the subway car,enjoying that book you just bought. ______(46) Or, the person sitting next to you takes out a nail clipper(指甲刀)and begins cut-ting his or her nails.
    Annoying?Many of us have to spend some time every day on public transportation.______ (47)So,to make the trip more pleasant,we suggest the following:
    Let passengers get off the bus or subway car before you can get on.______(48)
    Stand away from the doors when they are closing.
    Don't talk loudly on a bus or subway. Chatting loudly with your friends can be annoying to others.______(49)
    Don't think your bags and suitcases(手提箱)deserve a seat of their own.
    Use a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze(打喷嚏).An uncovered sneeze can spread germs (细菌),especially in crowded places.
    Don't cut your nails or pick your nose on public transportation.
    Don't read over other people's shoulder.______(50)It can make people uncomfortable. They might think you're too stingy(小气的)even to buy a newspaper. Or they might think you're judging their behavior. ________(50)A:Don't eat food in your car.B:Don't shout into your mobile phone on a bus or subway.C:We all know that some behaviors are simply unacceptable.D:Many people do this on subways,but it's really annoying.E:Getting off and on in an orderly manner can save time for all.F: Suddenly,you feel someone leaning over your shoulder reading along with you.
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