It's a typical Snoopy card; cheerful message, bright colors, though a little yellow and faded now. Though I've received fancier, more expensive card over the years, this is the only one I've saved. One summer, it spoke volumes to me.
I received it during the first June I faced as a widow to raise two teenage daughters alone. In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single parenthood, I was overwhelmed with, of all things, the simplest housework, leaky taps, oil changes, even barbeques(烧烤). Those had always been my husband's jobs. I was embarrassed every time I hit my thumb with a hammer or couldn't get the lawnmower(割草机) started.
My uncertain attempts only fueled the fear inside me: How could I be both a father and mother to my girls? Clearly, I lacked the tools and skills.
On this particular morning, my girls pushed me into the living room to see something. (I prayed it wasn't another repair job). The "something" turned out to be an envelope and several wrapped bundles on the carpet. My puzzlement must have been plain as I gazed from the colorful packages to my daughters' bright faces.
"Go ahead! Open them!" They urged. As I unwrapped the packages, I discovered a small barbecue grill (烧烤架) and all the necessary objects including a green kitchen glove with a frog pattern on it.
"But why?" I asked.
"Happy Father's Day!" they shouted together.
"Moms don't get presents on Father's Day". I protested.
"You forgot to open the card". Jane reminded. I pulled it from the envelope. There sat Snoopy, on top of his dog house, merrily wishing me a Happy Father's Day. "Because", the girls said, "you've been a father and mother to us. Why shouldn't you be remembered on Father's Day?"
As I fought back tears, I realized they were right, I wanted to be a "professional" dad, who had the latest tools and knew all the tricks of the trade. The girls only wanted a parent they could count on to be there, day after day, performing repeatedly the maintenance tasks of basic care and love.
The girls are grown now, and they still send me Father's Day cards, but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one. Its simple message told me being a great parent didn't require any special tools at all—just a willing worker.
By "it spoke volumes to me", (Para. 1) the mother in the story means the card______.
A.conveyed significant meanings to her
B.aroused great sorrow in her
C.brought her pleasant feelings
D.made her feel important

相关热点: 割草机  



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  • 选词填空:The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations

    Section A(2016年6月英语六级卷二试题)

    Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.

    The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations as smart and capable as we are without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally_____(27). Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.

    Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The _____(28)of computational power and engineering advances will _____(29)enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled,_____(30)use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses from street cleaning to food preparation.

    But there are _____(31)to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器)operator will _____(32)someone's privacy. A robotic lawn mower(割草机)will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the _____(33)of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing _____(34)and damages What should government do to protect people while _____(35), space for innovation?

    Big. complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built _____(36)and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record. not the passenger's.
















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  • 共用题干Can Loud Music Cause Hearing Impairment(损伤)?
    Have you ever gone to a concert and realized that your seats were right next to the
    booming speakers?Are you guilty_________(1)turning up the volume on your portable
    cassette or CD player to drown out the whining(哭哭啼啼)of your little brother?
    Sometimes it's difficult to avoid loud music or noises,but they can be bad news because
    loud noises can_________(2)temporary or permanent hearing loss.
    Extremely loud music and noises that go on for long periods of_______(3)are
    common causes of deafness.If a noise is so loud that you have to shout to make yourself
    _______(4),there is a______(5)that the mechanism inside your ear can be
    Temporary hearing loss can happen after you've been_______(6)to loud noise
    for only 15 minutes.If you have temporary hearing loss,you won't be able to hear as
    ________ (7) as you normally can, and you may have tinnitus(耳鸣),which is a
    fancy word for ringing in the ears. Your ears can feel"full",too._________(8),
    these things usually go away and your hearing soon returns to normal.
    Permanent hearing loss can happen when someone is exposed to loud noise
    ________(9)and over. Construction workers and people who work in factories must
    ________(10)ear protectors because the equipment they use can be extremely loud.
    But even some lawn mowers(割草机)and power tools can permanently__________
    (11)a person's ability to hear high-pitched noises and can also give him permanent tinnitus.
    Listening to extremely loud music over and over can also have the same effect on a person's
    ______(12).And using headphones on a portable cassette or CD player can be
    dangerous________(13)if the volume is too high and the headphones are used a lot,
    the noise can damage the ears.
    The best way to avoid hearing loss is to wear ear protectors when working with
    machinery and earplugs when going to a_________(14).Headphones are OK to wear
    when you're listening to music;just be sure the volume isn't too high,and give them a rest
    ________(15)once in a while. _________(15)A: each B:every C:all D: for
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