Please amend L/C No. 685 to_______“transshipment is allowed.”



  • 教育行政部门为解决某些地区,特别是农村地区教育发展与师资严重不足的矛盾,聘用一部分适合任教的公民到学校代课的制度,属于教师任用中的()
  • Paragraph Nine

    In a new study, a team of neuroscientists and psychologists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) discovered that the harder adults tried to learn an artificial language, the worse they were at deciphering the language's morphology - the structure and deployment of linguistic units such as root words, suffixes, and prefixes.

    A scientific discovery on language l_______.

  • t="" around,="" and="" they="" leap="" at="" the="" chance="" to="" spend="" hoursonline,="" chatting="" with="" friends="" searching="" web="" for="" their="" interested="" topics.="" sowhat?

    But researchers nationwide are increasingly concerned that teenagers arebecoming more isolated, less skillful at interpersonal relationships, and perhapsnumb to the small-or-big cheating that is so much a part of the e-mail world.Researchers are asking just how the futures of teenagers are changed when somany of them are spending hours on the Internet each day, replacing face-to-facecontact with computer contact.

    Teens, who used computers even just a few hours a week, showed increasedsigns of loneliness and social isolation. These teens have fewer friends to hangaround with, possibly because their computer time has replaced the hours theywould have spent with others. They don't see anything strange in the fact that thecomputer screen occupies a central place in their social lives. They think school isstressful and busy. There's almost no time to just hang out. Talking online is justcatch-up time.

    Many teens acknowledge there's an unreal quality to their cyberspace .communication, including their odd shorthand terms, such as POS (parent overshoulder) or LOL (laughing out loud). This code is considered as part of theexclusive shared language that teenagers love. When it comes to e-mail exchanges,teens also show a remarkable tolerance for each other’s excuses or tricks. Nor arethey surprised when a mere acquaintance unloads a personal secret through e-mail.Nobody seems to expect the online world to be the same as the real world.

    Teens say they also appreciate the ability to edit what they say online, or takethe time to think about a response. As cowardly as it may seem, some teens admit1that asking someone for a date, or breaking up, can be easier in message form. Butthey insist there's no harm intended, and cyberspace has become just anothermedium, like the telephone, in the world of teenagers.

    Questions 1-5 are based on Passage One.

    Researchers are worrying about the futures of teenagers, because_____.


    Passage One

    As the first generations grow up in a wired world, teenagers hardly know atime when computers weren't around, and they leap at the chance to spend hoursonline, chatting with friends and searching the web for their interested topics. Sowhat?

    But researchers nationwide are increasingly concerned that teenagers arebecoming more isolated, less skillful at interpersonal relationships, and perhapsnumb to the small-or-big cheating that is so much a part of the e-mail world.Researchers are asking just how the futures of teenagers are changed when somany of them are spending hours on the Internet each day, replacing face-to-facecontact with computer contact.

    Teens, who used computers even just a few hours a week, showed increasedsigns of loneliness and social isolation. These teens have fewer friends to hangaround with, possibly because their computer time has replaced the hours theywould have spent with others. They don't see anything strange in the fact that thecomputer screen occupies a central place in their social lives. They think school isstressful and busy. There's almost no time to just hang out. Talking online is justcatch-up time.

    Many teens acknowledge there's an unreal quality to their cyberspace .communication, including their odd shorthand terms, such as POS (parent overshoulder) or LOL (laughing out loud). This code is considered as part of theexclusive shared language that teenagers love. When it comes to e-mail exchanges,teens also show a remarkable tolerance for each other’s excuses or tricks. Nor arethey surprised when a mere acquaintance unloads a personal secret through e-mail.Nobody seems to expect the online world to be the same as the real world.

    Teens say they also appreciate the ability to edit what they say online, or takethe time to think about a response. As cowardly as it may seem, some teens admit1that asking someone for a date

  • 按“以期定量”法确定经常储备定额时,“期”是指()。
  • Paragraph Six

    In the United States, not everyone is able to attend a four-year college or university. Many four-year colleges and universities are already too crowded. To give more people a chance to get a college education, many cities and towns have built junior community colleges that offer a two-year course of study in a wide range of subjects.

    Junior colleges have been built to o______ more education opportunities.

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