The letter said that there was an ______, but I couldn’t find where it was.

A.emergency B.exposure C.enclosure D.expenditure



  • The psychologists were pleased that their theory had been( )by the new research.

    A.fortified B.altered C.disputed D.developed
  • Remember to ask for a ( )of quality for these goods; otherwise they will not offer any maintenance.

    A.warranty B.promise C.certificate D.receipt
  • Five score years ago, a great American, ______ symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

    A.with his him whose D.of whom
  • For much of the world, the death of Richard Nixon was the end of a complex public life. But researchers who study bereavement wondered if it didn’t also signify the end of a private grief. Had the former president merely run his fourscore and one, or had he fallen victim to a pattern that seems to afflict longtime married couples; one spouse quickly following the other to the grave?Pat, Nixon’s wife of 53, died last June after a long illness. No one knows for sure whether her death contributed to his. After all, he was elderly and had a history of serious heart disease. Researchers have long observed that the death of the spouse particularly a wife is sometimes followed by the untimely death of the grieving survivor. Historian Will Durant died 13 days after his wife and collaborator, Ariel; Buckminster Fuller and his wife died just 36 hours apart. Is this more than coincidence?“Part of the story, I suspect, is that we men are so used to ladies feeling us and taking care of us,” says Knul Helsing, an epidemiologist at the John Hopkins School of Public Health, “that when we lose a wife we go to pieces. We don’t know how to take care of ourselves.” In one of the several studies Helsing has conducted on bereavement, he found that widowers who remarried enjoyed the same lower mortality rates as men who’d never been widowed.Women’s health and resilience may also suffer after the loss of a spouse. In a 1987 study of widows, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, and UC, San Diego, found that they had a dramatic decline in levels of important immune-system cells that fight off disease. Earlier studies showed reduced immunity in widowers.For both men and women, the stress of losing a spouse can have a profound effect. “All sorts of potentially harmful medical problems can be worsened,” says Gerald Davision, professor of psychology at the University of Southern California. People with high blood pressure, for example, may see it rise. In Nixon’s case, Davision speculates, “the stroke, although not caused directly by the stress, was probably hastened by it.” Depression can affect the surviving spouse’s will to live; suicide rates are elevated in the bereaved, along with accidents not involving cars.Involvement in life helps prolong it. “Mortality,” says Duke University psychiatrist Daniel Blazer, “is higher in older people without a good social-support system, who don’t feel they’re part of a group or a family, that they ‘fit in’ somewhere. And that’s more common problem for men, who tend not to have as many close friendship as women.” “The sudden absence of routines can also be a health hazard,” says Blazer. “A person who loses a spouse shows deterioration in normal habits like sleeping and eating,” he says. “They don’t have the other person to orient them, like when do you go to bed, when do you wake up, when do you eat, when do you take your medication, when do you go out to take a walk? Your pattern is no longer locked into someone else’s pattern, so it deteriorates.” While earlier studies suggested that the first six months to a year-or even first week—were times of higher mortality for the bereaved, some newer studies find no special vulnerability in this initial period. Most men and women, of course do not as a result of the loss of a spouse. And there are ways to improve the odds. A strong sense of separate identity and lack of over-dependency during the marriage are helpful. Adult sons and daughters, siblings and friends need to pay special attention to a newly widowed parent. They can make sure that he or she is socializing, getting proper nutrition and medical care, expressing emotion and above all, feeling needed and appreciated.6. It is known from the passage that Richard Nixon died at the age of ____.7. According to researchers who study bereavement, Richard Nixon’s death might be ____.8. In his research on bereavement, Helsing found that ____.9. According to the passage a spouse’s death can lead the surviving one to ____.10. It is suggested in the passage that widowers or widows suffer from th

  • The republication of the poet’s most recent works will certainly( )his national reputation.

    A.magnify B.strengthen C.enlarge D.enhance
  • 教育方针的特点主要包括
  • 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在()
  • 张三为自己投保意外伤害保险,保额10万,张三确定李四为受益人.如果张三因意外伤害死亡后,赔款10万元应支付给()
  • 设备监理阶段可分为()、安装调试阶段、试运行阶段监理
  • 关于基金风险指标的计算
  • 至人无梦成语书写拼音_来源典故及翻译
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