There are too many complaints about society having to move too fast to keep up with the machine.

A.that have to B.have to C.having to D.has to



  • ( )you promise you will work hard, ( )support you to college.

    A.If only... will I B.Only... I will C.Only if... will I D.Only if... I will、
  • ( ) sermons retained their preeminence in religious life during most of the twentieth century, they are gradually losing that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities.

    A.As B.For C.While D.Although
  • The press mocked his attempts to appeal to young voters.

    A.ridiculed B.entertained C.ignored D.drew
  • s="" surface()="" .

    2.The writer states that fungi and bacteria( ).

    3.The passage says that the biosphere( ).

    4.According to the text, the balance of nature is( ).

    5.The writer says that ecology is primarily concerned with the( ).


    The biosphere is the name biologists give to the sort of skin on the surface of this planet that is inhabitable by living organisms. Most land creatures occupy only the interface between the atmosphere and the land; birds extend their range for a few hundred feet into the atmosphere: burrowing invertebrates (无脊椎动物) such as earthworms may reach a few yards into the soil but rarely penetrate farther unless, it has been recently disturbed by men. Fish cover a wider range, from just beneath the surface of the sea to those depths of greater than a mile inhabited by specialized creatures. Fungi (真菌) and bacteria are plentiful in the atmosphere to a height of about half a mile, blown there by winds from the lower air. Balloon exploration of the stratosphere (同温层) as long ago as 1936 indicated that moulds and bacteria could be found at heights of several miles, recently the USA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration has detected them, in decreasing numbers, at heights up to eighteen miles. They are pretty sparse at such levels, about one for every two thousand cubic feet, compared with 50 to 100 per cubic foot at two to six miles (the usual altitude of jet aircraft), and they are almost certainly in an inactive state. Marine bacteria have been detected at the bottom of the deep Pacific trench, sometimes as deep as seven miles; they are certainly not inactive. Living microbes have also been obtained on land from cores of rock drilled (while prospecting for oil) at depths of as much as 1,200 feet. Thus we can say, disregarding the exploits of astronauts, that the biosphere has a maximum thickness of about twenty-five miles. Active living processes occur only within a compass of about seven miles, in the sea, on land and in the lower atmosphere, but the majority of living creatures live within a zone of a hundred feet or so. If this planet were sealed down to the size of an orange, the biosphere, at its extreme width, would occupy the thickness of the orange-colored skin, excluding the pith.In this tiny zone of our planet takes place the multitude of chemical and biological activities that we call life. The way in which living creatures interact with each other, depend on each other or compete with each other, has fascinated thinkers since the beginning of recorded history. Living things exist in a fine balance which is often taken for granted, from a practical point of view, things could not be otherwise. Yet it is a source of continual amazement to scientists because of its intricacy and delicacy. The balance of nature is obvious most often when it is disturbed. Yet even here it can seem remarkable how quickly it readjusts itself to a new balance after a disturbance. The science of ecology...the study of the interaction of organisms with their environment...has grown up to deal with the minutiae of the balance of nature.

    1.According to the passage, the “biosphere” is the layer on the earth's surface() .

    2.The writer states that fungi and bacteria( ).

    3.The passage says that the biosphere( ).

    4.According to the text, the balance of nature is( ).

    5.The writer says that ecology is primarily concerned with the( ).

    A.where the atmosphere meets the sea which birds, fish and animals would die which plant and animal life can exist which earthworms and other invertebrates can live问题2: A.are only found below the normal altitude of jet planes B.have been found well at the normal altitude of jet planes C.are not found below the surface of the earth D.are mainly found below the surface of the earth问题3: A.extends only 1,200 feet below the earth's surface about seven miles in width as much as twenty-five miles in thickness a zone only about one hundred feet wide问题4: A.something which we should not take for g
  • s="" intelligence="" comes="" from="" a="" study="" of="" *"at="" risk"children.="" ramey="" and="" frances="" campbell="" the="" university="" north="" carolina="" (1="" )with="" children="" born="" into="" poverty-line="" households.="" entered="" by="" four="" months(2="" )="" age.="" during="" study,="" one="" group="" spent="" day="" in="" center="" where="" teachers="" used="" games="" songs="" to(3="" )the="" infants.="" another="" had="" no="" such="" (4)="" ,="" but="" they="" were="" given="" nutritional="" supplements="" in(5="" preschool="" years="" early-education="" showed="" iq="" advantages="" ten="" to="" 20="" points.="" highest-risk="" (6="" )gains,="" at="" age="" 15="" higher="" reading="" math="" scores.What (7 ) for these gains? Ramey and other scientists say early childhood experiences (8 ) brain growth. An infant is born(9)billions of brain cells called neurons. Some are wired to other cells before birth to regulate the (10) of life, such as heartbeat and breathing. Others are waiting to be wired to (11) him or her interpret and respond to the outside world. Experience dictates the hookups. As the child(12) , cells reach out and set up pathways to other cells needed to determine a (13) . For instance, the neurons in the eye send branches to the(14) cortex, which interprets (15) eye sees and, via other branches, (16)the person to react to what is seen. Each time an experience is repeated, the(17)are strengthened.The first two years of life are an explosion of brain (18)and connections. By age two the (19)has more than 300 trillion connections. At the same time, cells that aren't being connected or used are (20) '>

    The most convincing evidence for the importance of adult influence on a child's intelligence comes from a study of *"at risk"children. Ramey and Frances Campbell of the University of North Carolina (1 )with children born into poverty-line households. The children entered the study by four months(2 ) age. During the study, one group spent the day in a center where teachers used games and songs to(3 )the infants. Another group had no such (4) , but they were given nutritional supplements in(5 ) During preschool years the children in the early-education group showed IQ advantages of ten to 20 points. The highest-risk children showed the (6 )gains, and at age 15 they had higher reading and math scores.What (7 ) for these gains? Ramey and other scientists say early childhood experiences (8 ) brain growth. An infant is born(9)billions of brain cells called neurons. Some are wired to other cells before birth to regulate the (10) of life, such as heartbeat and breathing. Others are waiting to be wired to (11) him or her interpret and respond to the outside world. Experience dictates the hookups. As the child(12) , cells reach out and set up pathways to other cells needed to determine a (13) . For instance, the neurons in the eye send branches to the(14) cortex, which interprets (15) eye sees and, via other branches, (16)the person to react to what is seen. Each time an experience is repeated, the(17)are strengthened.The first two years of life are an explosion of brain (18)and connections. By age two the (19)has more than 300 trillion connections. At the same time, cells that aren't being connected or used are (20)

    A.worked B.stayed C.studied D.talked
    问题2: C.of
    A.feed B.irritate C.push D.stimulate
    A.exercise B.program D.research
    A.contrast B.addition C.infancy D.abundance
    A.earliest B.greatest C.fewest D.latest
    A.accounts B.stands C.compensates D.argues
    A.involve B.delay C.retard D.foster
    A.into B.with C.while D.before
    A.cycles C.tasks D.basics
    A.make C.let D.have
    A.grows B.develops C.matures D.raises
    A.behavior B.response C.movement D.reaction
    A.visual B.auditory C.mental D.physical
    A.why B.when D.what
    A.makes B.shows C.cues D.responds
    A.brains B.neurons C.pathways D.cells
    A.activity B.growth C.neuron D.cell
    A.child B.infant C.cort
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