Many Fine Art graduates take ( ) professional practice as artists, and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty.

A.down B.up C.out



  • Kepler reconciled astronomy with physics, and substituted for fictitious clockwork a universe of material bodies not unlike the earth, freely floating and turning in space, moved by forces( ).

    A.acted on them B.being acted on it C.acting on them D.having acted on it
  • t="" know.="" but="" it's="" about="" time="" ______="" on="" something."'>

    "What courses are you going to do next semester?""I don't know. But it's about time ______ on something."

    A.I'd decide B.I decided C.I decide D.I'm deciding
  • The belief that the mind plays an important role in physical illness goes back to the earliest days of medicine. From the time of the ancient Greeks to the beginning of the 20th century, it was generally accepted by both physician and patient that the mind can affect the course of illness, and it seemed natural to apply this concept in medical treatments of disease. After the discovery of antibiotics, a new assumption arose that treatment of infectious or inflammatory disease requires only the elimination of the foreign organism or agent that triggers the illness. In the rush to discover antibiotics and drugs that cure specific infections and diseases, the fact that the body’s own responses can influence susceptibility to disease and- its course was largely ignored by medical researchers.It is ironic that research into infectious and inflammatory disease first led 20th-century medicine to reject the idea that the mind influences physical illness, and now research in the same field — including the work of our laboratories and of our collaborators at the National Institutes of Health 一 is proving the contrary. New molecular and pharmacological tools have made it possible for us to identify the intricate network that exists between the immune system and the brain,a network that allows the two systems to signal each other continuously and rapidly. Chemicals produced by immune cells signal the brain, and the brain in turn sends chemical signals to restrain the immune system. These same chemical signals also affect behavior and the response to stress. Disruption of this communication network in any way, whether inherited or through drugs, toxic substances or surgery, exacerbates the diseases that these systems guard against: infectious, inflammatory, autoimmune, and associated mood disorders.The clinical significance of these findings is likely to prove profound. They hold the promise of extending the range of therapeutic treatments available for various disorders, as drugs previously known to work primarily for nervous system problems are shown to be effective against immune maladies, and vice versa. They also help to substantiate the popularly held impression (still discounted in some medical circles) that our state of mind can influence how well we resist or recover from infectious or inflammatory diseases.The brain’s stress response system is activated in threatening situations. The immune system responds automatically to pathogens and foreign molecules. These two response systems are the body’s principal means for maintaining an internal steady state called homeostasis. A substantial proportion of human cellular machinery is dedicated to maintaining it.When homeostasis is disturbed or threatened, a repertoire of molecular, cellular and behavioral responses comes into play. These responses attempt to counteract the disturbing forces in order to reestablish a steady state. They can be specific to the foreign invader or a particular stress, or they can be generalized and nonspecific when the threat to homeostasis exceeds a certain threshold. The adaptive response may themselves turn into stressors capable of producing disease. We are just beginning to understand the interdependence of the brain and the immune system, how they help to regulate and counter-regulate each other and how they themselves can malfunction and produce disease.

    1.The passage supplies information to suggest that ()2.Which of the following best states the mind-body interaction in disease?3.Which of the following statements about clinical significance of the new findings can be bestsupported by the passage?4.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?5.According to the passage, in order to maintain an internal steady state called homeostasis,( ). has always been the belief of both physician and patient that one’s state of mind can affectphysical disease B.the popular belief that stress exacerbates inflammatory illness has always been discredited by thedoctors C.the discovery of antibiotics sheds light on peop
  • Being born in the summer could give you a sunny disposition for life. And a winter birthday might cast a permanent shadow______your happiness, scientists believe.

    A.through B.cross C.beneath D.over
  • ( )you promise you will work hard, ( )support you to college.

    A.If only... will I B.Only... I will C.Only if... will I D.Only if... I will、
  • ()不可以作为政府购买服务的承接主体?
  • 教育方针的特点主要包括
  • 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在()
  • 张三为自己投保意外伤害保险,保额10万,张三确定李四为受益人.如果张三因意外伤害死亡后,赔款10万元应支付给()
  • 设备监理阶段可分为()、安装调试阶段、试运行阶段监理
  • 秦邮道中诗词简繁体_译文_作者_创作背景
  • 移竹诗词简繁体_译文_作者_创作背景
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  • 移筭山五杉归植里弟诗词简繁体_译文_作者_创作背景
  • 移植官梅已着数花得四绝句 其一诗词简繁体_译文_作者_创作背景
  • 积雨作寒诗词简繁体_译文_作者_创作背景