By 1817 the United States Confess had_______all internal taxes and was relying on tariffs on imported goods to provide sufficient revenues to run the government.

A.allocated B.distributed C.eliminated D.collected



  • of="" locations="" across="" the="" country="" that="" support="" pci_______requirements.'>

    Our network security solutions are being used by dozens of merchants at hundreds' of locations across the country that support PCI_______requirements.

    A.compliance B.controversy C.quiescence D.asseverating
  • s="" 4%="" target="" or="" their="" own="" preferred="" 3%.="" this="" pessimism="" was="" based,="" in="" part,="" on="" the="" conclusion="" that="" unemployment="" among="" young,="" unskilled,="" minority="" groups,="" and="" depressed="" geographical="" areas="" is="" not="" easily="" attacked="" by="" increasing="" general="" demand.="" further,="" estimate="" of="" numbers="" potential="" members="" labor="" force="" who="" had="" withdrawn="" nor="" entered="" because="" lack="" employment="" opportunity="" substantially="" higher="" than="" cea.="" they="" also="" projected="" increased="" demand="" would="" put="" added="" pressure="" skills="" already="" short="" supply="" rather="" employ="" unemployed,="" technological="" change,="" which="" replacing="" manpower,="" much="" levels="" be="" necessary="" to="" create="" same="" number="" jobs.The structural school, too, had its hyperenthusiasts: Fiscal conservatives who, as an alternative to expansionary policies, argued the not very plausible position that a job was available for every person, provided only that he or she had the requisite skills or would relocate. Such extremist positions aside, there was actually considerable agreement between two main groups, though this was not recognized at the lime. Both realized the advisability of a tax cut to increase demand, and both needed to reduce unemployment below a point around 4%. In either case, the policy implications differed in emphasis and not in content.1.The author's treatment of the "hyperenthusiasts" can best be described as one of ( ).2.According to the passage, there was a good deal of agreement between the expansionist and structuralist theories on ( ).3.Although they agreed that an increase in demand was necessary to reduce unemployment, the expansionists argued that( ).4.The author discounts the value of the expansionists' judgment by pointing out that it( ).5.It can be inferred that the hyperenthusiasts contended that( ) .'>

    The high unemployment rates of the early 1960s occasioned a spirited debate within the economics profession. One group found the primary cause of unemployment in slow growth and the solution in economic expansion. The other found the major explanation in changes that had occurred in the supply and demand for labor and stressed measures for matching demand with supply.The expansionist school of thought, with the Council of Economic Advisers as its leading advocates, attributed the persistently high unemployment level to a slow rate of economic growth resulting from a deficiency of aggregate demand for goods and services. The majority of this school endorsed the position of the Council that tax reduction would eventually reduce the unemployment level to 4% of the labor force with no other assistance. At 4%, bottlenecks in skilled labor, middle-level manpower, and professional personnel were expected to retard growth and generate wage-price pressures. To go beyond 4%, the interim goal of the Council, it was recognized that improved education, training, and retraining, and other structural measures would be required. Some expansionists insisted that the demand for goods and services was nearly satiated and that it was impossible for the private sector to absorb a significant increase in output. In their estimate, only the lower-income fifth of the population and the public sector offered sufficient outlets for the productive efforts of the potential labor force. The fact that the needs of the poor and the many unmet demands for public services held higher priority than the demands of the marketplace in the value structure of this group no doubt influenced their economic judgments.Those who found the major cause of unemployment in structural features were primarily labor economists, concerned professionally with efficient functioning of labor markets through programs to develop skills and place individual workers. They maintained That increased aggregate demand was a necessary but not sufficient condition for reaching either the CEA's 4% target or their own prefe

  • s="" words.="" "when="" we're="" looking="" at="" language,="" the="" tool="" of="" lie,"="" says="" jeff="" hancock,an="" assistant="" professor="" communication="" and="" a="" member="" faculty="" computing="" information="" science="" cornell="" university.Hancock,who recently received a $680,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study digital deception, says there is a growing body of evidence that the language of dishonest messages is different than that of honest ones. For example,one study led by Hancock and due to be published this spring in Discourse Processes found that deceptive e-mail messages contained 28 percent more words on average and used a higher percentage of words associated with negative emotions than did truthful messages. Liars also tend to use fewer first-person references (such as the pronoun "I") and more third- person references (such as "he" and "they"). This may be the liar's subconscious way of distancing himself from his lie.More surprising,Hancock and his colleagues have observed that the targets of liars also exhibit distinctive language patterns. For instance,people who are being deceived often use shorter sentences and ask more questions. Even though they may not be aware that they are being lied to,people seem to exhibit subconscious suspicions.To identify the patterns of deceit,Hancock has developed an instant-messaging system at Cornell that asks users to rate the deceptiveness of each message they send. The system has already collected 10,000 messages,of which about 6 percent qualify as patently deceptive. Eventually the results will be incorporated into software that analyzes incoming messages.For now,the Cornell researchers are working only with the kinds of lies told by students and faculty. It remains to be seen whether such a system can be scaled up to handle "big" lies, such as messages sent by conartists and terrorists.Fortunately, the research so far suggests that people lie less often in e-mail than face-to-face or on the phone. Perhaps this is because people are reluctant to put their lies in writing. Hancock speculates. "An e-mail generates multiple copies," he says."It will last longer than something carved in rock." So choose your words carefully. The internet may soon be rid not only deceit but also of lame excuses.'>

    Most of us tell one two lies a day,according to scientists who study these things. And we rarely get caught,because the lies we tell are usually little ones: "I got stuck in traffic." "That color looks good on you." "I was just about to call. "But even the smallest fib may soon be systematically exposed,at least in the virtual World. Researchers at several universities are developing software that can detect lies in online communications such as instant messages e-mails and chatrooms. The ability to spot "digital deception", as researchers call it,has never been more crucial. Today,much of our business and social life is conducted online, making us increasingly vulnerable. White collar criminals,sexual predators, scammers, identity thieves and even terrorists surf the same Web as the rest of us.Conventional lie detectors look for physiological signs of anxiety—a bead of sweat or a racing pulse— but online systems examine only the liar's words. "When we're looking at language, we're looking at the tool of the lie," says Jeff Hancock,an assistant professor of communication and a member of the faculty of computing and information science at Cornell University.Hancock,who recently received a $680,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study digital deception, says there is a growing body of evidence that the language of dishonest messages is different than that of honest ones. For example,one study led by Hancock and due to be published this spring in Discourse Processes found that deceptive e-mail messages contained 28 percent more words on average and used a higher percentage of words associated with negative emotions th

  • You could refuse to_______your Social Security number except for Social Security purposes,which is all that the law requires.

    A.expound B.divulge C.apprehend D.unriddle
  • Mark Moore, director of the Northwest Weather,warned skiers of the deadly avalanches that have_______ the mountains of Washington state,killing nine people.

    A.pummeled B.elaborated C.executed D.alleged
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  • 教育方针的特点主要包括
  • 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在()
  • 张三为自己投保意外伤害保险,保额10万,张三确定李四为受益人.如果张三因意外伤害死亡后,赔款10万元应支付给()
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  • 彝鼎圭璋成语书写拼音_来源典故及翻译
  • 彩衣娱亲成语书写拼音_来源典故及翻译
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  • 彻头彻尾成语书写拼音_来源典故及翻译
  • 形夸骨佳成语书写拼音_来源典故及翻译