Sam's close ( )">

s="" close="" (="" )to="" his="" brother="" made="" people="" mistake="" them="" for="" one="" another.'>

Sam's close ( )to his brother made people mistake them for one another.

A.accuracy B.confusion C.probability D.resemblance



  • s="" case="" in="" para.="" 1="" is="" given="" as="" an="" example="" of(="" )="" ="" .3.“The hunter and the nervous hostess” in Para. 2 are referring to people who( )4.The author warns us that()5.This passage manly discusses the relationship between()'>

    Change—or the ability to adapt oneself to a changing environment—is essential to evolution. The farmer whose land is required for housing or industry must adapt himself. He can move to another place and master the problems peculiar to it; he can change his occupation, perhaps after a period of training; or he can starve to death. A nation which can not adapt its trade or defense requirements to meet world conditions faces economic or military disaster. Nothing is fixed and permanently stable. There must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, or movement backward, which is decay and deterioration.In this context, tradition can be a force for good or for evil. As long as it offers a guide (without insisting that its path is the only one), it helps the ignorant and the uninformed to take a step forward, and thereby, to adapt themselves to changed circumstances. Tradition, or custom, can guide the hunter as effectively as it can influence the nervous hostess. But if we make an idol (偶像、崇拜)of tradition, it ceases to become a guide and becomes an obstacle lying across the path of change and progress. If we insist on trying to plot the future by the past, we clearly handicap ourselves and invite failure. The better course is to accept the help which tradition can give but, realizing that it necessarily has its roots in the past, to be well aware of its limitations in a changing world.1.The author maintains that if we want to get along with the world( ) .2.The farmer's case in Para. 1 is given as an example of( ).3.“The hunter and the nervous hostess” in Para. 2 are referring to people who( )4.The author warns us that()5.This passage manly discusses the relationship between()

    A.industry must be developed at the expense of farmland must try to get some job training and defense are essential D.change is indispensable
    A.the trend of economic development B.the course of human evolution C.the need of adaptability D.the importance of social change
    A.are ignorant and uninformed B.are well aware of custom's limitations C.become an obstacle on the path of progress D.constitute the force for good
    问题4: is misleading to accept tradition as a guide B.excessive devotion to tradition may bring us troubles C.we must accept the guidance tradition offers us D.tradition is obstacle lying on the path of change
    A.industry and agriculture B.evil tradition and good tradition and the changing world D.tradition and change
  • In what()to a last minute stay of execution a council announced that emergency funding would keep alive two aging satellites.

    A.applies B.accounts C.attaches D.amounts
  • Despite his disappointing record this year, I()feel that he is the best man we have in the department.

    A.none the less B.not any the less C.all the less much the less
  • In our society the unwritten rules of communication discourage the direct expression of emotions. Count the number of genuine emotional expressions you hear over a two-or-three-day period and you’ll discover that emotional expressions are rare. People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions, but they rarely disclose how they feel.Not surprisingly, the emotions that people do share directly are usually positive. For example, one study of married couples revealed that the partners shared flattering feelings of face-saving ones. They also willingly disclosed both positive and negative feelings about absent third parties. On the other hand, the husbands and wives rarely expressed face-threatening feelings of hostility.Surprisingly, social rules even discourage too much expression of positive feelings. A hug and kiss for Mother is all right, though a young man should shake hands with Dad. Affection toward friends becomes less and less frequent as we grow older, so that even a simple statement such as “I like you” is seldom heard between adults.A review of research on emotional expression supports the cultural stereotype of the non-emotional male and the more emotional female. As a group, women are more likely than men to express their emotions. They are better at distinguishing between related feelings such as liking and loving, and they are more likely to have more affectionate relationships than men. Of course, these gender differences are statistical average, and there are many men and women who do not fall into these types.1.What is the main ides of this passage?2.People avoid expressing their feelings directly because()3.Which of the following statements do people tend to express?4.That “Women are better than men in expressing feelings” is()5.According to the passage, it is surprising that()

    A.Both adults and children seldom expose their feelings and opinions. B.Society is the real cause of people’s less expression of their affection. C.People like to talk freely behind a third person. D.Women are more open than men in expressing their feelings.
    A.they have no time over a two-or-three-day period B.they feel timid to do so C.they prefer facts to feelings D.they feel uneasy when they disclose their inner world
    A.Your hairstyle is good, but the color does not suit your skin. B.How should he have left the room in such a mess! C.I’m sorry to say I can’t love you any more. D.It is silly of you to have given up this chance.
    A.a complete cultural stereotype B.proven by research C.the traditional prejudice D.the key to social problems
    A.women are more expressive than men B.husbands and wives tend to please each other C.people are socially discouraged from expressing their positive feelings D.people feel comfortable to disclose their negative feelings
  • Charles has not the least ( )of giving up his research.

    A.idea B.intention C.mind D.desire
  • ()不可以作为政府购买服务的承接主体?
  • 教育方针的特点主要包括
  • 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在()
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