Heavy rains were causing inundation and much damage throughout the county.

A.much inconvenience B.serious concern C.overflow of water D.human misery



  • Much( ) I have travelled, I have never seen anyone to equal her for thoroughness, whatever the job.

    A.when B.more C.farther D.as
  • Giving Employees What They Want: The Returns are HugeDavid Sirota, co-author ofThe Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving Workers What They Want, finds that firms where employee morale is high tend to outperform competitors. He told us: "People at work have various basic goals. First, they want to be treated fairly. Employees want to know they are getting what is normally defined as competitive pay. If I feel underpaid, there is not much an organization can do to boost my morale. Second, employees want a sense of achievement from work. The key element is to be proud of your job and proud of the organization for which you are doing it. The third element is camaraderie. This is also not mentioned much in our field, but it’s key——not only in the sense of having a friend, but working well together as a team.”And, he says, there are a number of other things companies can do to boost morale: “First, provide security. Laying off people should be the last resort, not the first thing you do. Some companies use a ring of defense. If the business is having difficulties, they retrain workers or bring work inside from subcontractors. There are a number of steps you can take before making people redundant.Second, where there are difficulties in getting work done, we suggest self-managed teams. Toyota is a good example in having a team of workers manage part of the assembly line. The team could look at quality and at whatever kinds of maintenance and support were needed, and it could decide how to rotate workers. As opposed to the usual top-down management, this approach is tremendously satisfying for workers, and thus reduces the need for bureaucracy because the people essentially are managing themselves.“Recognition is also important. Organization-wide awards should be like the Nobel Prize, where peers are involved in the selection of the individuals who receive the award for outstanding achievement, not day-to-day work.“The traditional merit pay systems with an appraisal and pay increase are quite negative. Workers feel no relation between what they do and their pay increase. A reward has to be felt as such. Research has verified a system such as ‘gain sharing’, in which a group of workers judges its performance over time. If productivity goes up 20% and the workforce increases 10%, then that means there is greater efficiency.“In the 1980s and 1990s, we had a reaction to particular forms of management. We talk about four kinds: the first one is paternalism, where workers are treated as children. Then there is adversarial, where workers are the enemy. Then there is transactional, where workers are like ciphers. Management does not know what they are like as individuals. The attitude is, ‘We paid you, now we are even. We don’t owe you anything.’ That’s where most companies have gone today. Loyalty is dead.“The fourth is what we have been talking about, which is the partnership organization. It does not mean that because I paid you, we are now even. You don’t treat partners that way because you might need them to help you out sometime, and they might need you. It’s more like a relationship between mature adults -- not like children or enemies, but allies.”1.In paragraph 1, what effect of high morale is mentioned?2.Which of these does Sirota suggest is good reaction for a company with financial problems?3.How did Toyota motivate workers on assembly lines?4.How should bonuses be awarded, according to Sirota?5.What, nowadays, is the typical management-worker relationship?

    A.Employees stay with the company longer B.Employees work harder than their counterparts in other companies C.Companies produce better results than their rivals. D.Companies with high morale are more respected.
    A.reducing the workforce B.outsourcing to reduce costs C.reducing the rewards packages D.transferring employees to other jobs
    A.by asking managers to take turns to perform as workers. B.by letting groups of workers make decisions on their work organization. C.by allowing teams to take over the whole process of production D.by rew
  • Peter became angry and said that ( ).

    A.he was tried to listen to them B.the listening to them was tired for him C.he was tiring listening to them D.he was tired of listening to them
  • “May I speak to your manager Mr. Jenson at 2 o’clock this afternoon?”“I’m sorry. Mr. Jenson( ) to a conference long before then.”

    A.will have gone B.had gone C.would have gone D.has gone
  • According to some newspaper, starting from July 1 this year, all department stores are required not to provide consumers with free plastic bags. What do you think of it? You are asked to write a composition o f no less than 200 words to state your idea.My Opinion on the Banning of Plastic Bags

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