Read the following short paragraph carefully and then translate it into English.

宇宙间繁星密布,人们以为这之中有一些如我们的太阳一样为行星环绕,而在 这些行星上可能存在有智能的生物,或许他们比我们更先进。所以有可能在百万年左右 某些生物乘坐自己的飞船穿越太空时,会发现我们的某艘“旅行者(Voyager)”号飞船。 星球之间的距离十分遥远,这样的一次相聚可能性极小,但这并不是完全不可能的。科 学家希望有机会和我们遥远的邻居传递信息,让他们知道我们这个蓝色的星球曾经是相 当聪明的、多少有点文明的人类的家园。



  • As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ( )grab a bite at the snack bar.

    A.may well B.just as well C.might as well well
  • To test the ( )of borrowing from one field of study to enrich another, simply investigate the extent to which terms from the one may, without forcing, be utilized by the other.

    A.universality B.rate C.decorum D.efficacy
  • The electric fan does not work because of the ( )of service.

    A.pause B.break C.interruption D.breakdown
  • The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ( )such illnesses.

    A.disguise B.impede C.consummate D.precipitate
  • Until about five years ago, the very idea that peptide hormones might be made anywhere in the brain besides the hypothalamus was astounding- Peptide hormones, scientists thought, were made by endocrine glands and the hypothalamus was thought to be the brains’ only endocrine gland. What is more, because peptide hormones cannot cross the blood-brain barrier; researchers believed that they never got to any part of the brain other than the hypothalamus, where they were simply produced and then released into the bloodstream.But these beliefs about peptide hormones were questioned as laboratory after laboratory found that antiserums to peptide hormones, when injected into the brain, bind in places other than the hypothalamus, indicating that either the hormones or substances that cross-react with the antiserums are present. The immunological method of detecting peptide hormones by means of antiserums, however, is imprecise. Cross-reactions are possible, and this method cannot determine whether the substances detected by the antiserums really are the hormones, or merely close relatives. Furthermore this method cannot be used to determine the location in the body where the detected substances are actually produced.New techniques of molecular biology, however, provide a way to answer these questions. It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s (CDNA’s) that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA’s (mRNA’s) of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones, the cells will contain these mRNA’s. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them, then the cDNA’s should still bind to these mRNA’s, but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA’s for the true hormones. The cells containing these mRNA’s can then be isolated and their mRNA’s decoded to determine just what their protein products are and how closely the products resemble the true peptide hormones.The molecular approach to detecting peptide hormones using cDNA probes should also be much faster than the immunological method because it can take years of tedious purifications to isolate peptide hormones and then develop antiserums to them. Roberts, expressing the sentiment of many researchers, states: “I was trained as an endocrinologist. But it became clear to me that the field of endocrinology needed molecular biology input. The process of grinding out protein purifications is just too slow.”If, as the initial tests with cDNA probes suggest, peptide hormones really are made in the brain in areas other than the hypothalamus, a theory must be developed that explains their function in the brain. Some have suggested that the hormones are all growth regulators, but Rosen’s work on rat brains indicates that this cannot be true. A number of other researchers propose that they might be used for intercellular communication in the brain.1.Which of the following titles best summarizes the passage?2.The passage suggests that a substance detected in brain by use of antiserums to peptide hormones may( ). 3.The passage implies that, in doing research on rat brains, Rosen discovered that ( ).4.Which of the following is a way in which the immunological method of detecting peptide hormones differs from the molecular method?

    A.Is Molecular Biology the Key to Understanding Intercellular Communication in the Brain? B.Molecular Biology: Can Researchers Exploit Its Techniques to Synthesize Peptide Hormones? C.The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Immunological Approach to Detecting Peptide Hormones. D.Peptide Hormones: How Scientists Are Attempting to Solve Problems of Their Detection.
    A.have been stored in the brain for a long period of time and to Understand Their Function no role in the functioning of the brain C.have been produced in some part of the body other than the brain an important role in the functioning of hypothalamus
    A.peptide hormones are used for intercellular communication B.complementary DNA’s do not bind to cells producing peptide hormones C.products clo
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