There are around 200,000 young people between the ages of 11 and 15 smoke in the UK. It is Aestimated that around 20% of them buy their cigarettes from vending machines; it avoids theBCproblems of face-to-face contact and the need for proof of age. There will be a review ofvending machines with the possibility of people having to buy tokens to use the machines. D



  • California is a land of variety and contrast. Almost every type of physical land feature sort of arctic ice fields and tropical jungles can be found within its borders. Sharply contrasting types of land often lie very close to one another. People living in Bakersfield, for instance, can visit the Pacific Ocean and the coastal plain, the fertile San Joaquin Valley, the arid Mojave Desert, and the high Sierra Nevada, all within a radius of about 100 miles.In other areas it is possible to go snow skiing in the morning and surfing in the evening of the same day, without having to travel long distance.Contrast abounds in California. The highest point in the United States (outside Alaska) is in California, and so is the lowest point (including Alaska). Mount Whitney, 14,494 feet above sea level, is separated from Death Valley, 282 feet below sea level, by a distance of only 100 miles.The two areas have a difference in altitude of almost three miles. California has deep, clear mountain lakes like Lake Tahoe, the deepest in the country, but it also has shallow, salty desert lakes. It has Lake Tulainyo, 12,020 feet above sea level, and the lowest lake in the country, the Salton Sea, 236 feet below sea level. Some of its lakes, like Owens Lake in Death Valley, are not lakes at all: they are dried-up lake beds. In addition to mountains, lakes, valleys, deserts and plateaus, California has its Pacific coastline, stretching longer than the coastlines of Oregon and Washington combined.1.Which of the following is the lowest point in the United States?2.Where is the highest point in the United States located?3.How far away is Death Valley from Mount Whitney?4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as being within a radius of about 100 miles of Bakersfield?5.Which statement beat demonstrates that California is a land of variety and contrast?

    A.Lake Tulainyo B.Mojave Desert C.Death Valley D.The Salton Sea
    A.Lake Tahoe B.Sierra Nevada C.Mount Whiney. D.Alaska
    A.About 3 mile B.Only 100mies C.282 feet. D.14,494 feet
    A.The Pacific Ocean B.San Joaquin Valley C.Mojave Desert D.Oregon and Washington
    A.The highest lake in California is Lake Tulsinyo. B.It is possible to go surfing and snow skiing in some parts of California without having to travel long distance C.Sierra Nevada, San Joaquin Valley, Mojave Desert and the pacific ocean all lie within a radius of about 100 miles D.Owens Lake, in Death valley, is not really a lake at all.
  • Julie is one of those women who always( )the latest fashions.

    A.look after B.keep up with for D.get on with
  • Americans have always had a fascination with the underworld society populated by thoseAwho openly resisted the laws of dominant society and instead creating their own world, living byB C Dtheir own rules.

  • “I’d like to have a look at your cameras before I decide on one.” “We have several models( ).”

    A.for you to choose from B.for the choice of yours C.for your choice D.for you to choose
  • t="" want="" to="" be="" categorized="" among="" the="" "weird".="" on="" other="" hand,="" if="" something="" is="" labeled="" as="" "strange",="" it="" not="" necessarily="" bad.="" rather,="" "strange"="" simply="" abnormal,="" or="" unusual="" ―="" a="" deviation="" from="" what="" expected.="" this="" distinction="" between="" "weird"="" and="" so="" pronounced="" that="" latter="" can="" used="" euphemism="" for="" former="" in="" certain="" situations.="" example,="" notice="" how="" simple="" substitution="" able="" make="" following="" sentence="" less="" offensive:="" "your="" mother's="" cookies="" taste="" weird"="" compared="" “your="" strange".="" sentence,="" speaker="" sounds="" though="" he="" she="" insulting="" your="" cookies,="" stating="" they="" however,="" different,="" unusual,="" —="" difference="" owing="" innocuous="" addition="" of="" too="" much="" flour,="" perhaps. Finally, let's look at the synonyms, "happy" and "glad". As in the aforementioned cases, these words seem to have little or no discernible difference between them. Take for example the following sentences: 1) Tommy is happy because he got a new bike. 2) Tommy is glad because he got a new bike. Most understand these sentences to have the same meaning. And again, upon consulting a dictionary, one will find highly similar, if not the same, definitions. But these definitions lack the feeling, the unique emotional charge that these words convey. The word “happy” conveys a sense of levity, or a carefree attitude. The thought of someone who is “happy” conjures the image of a bright-eyed, ruddy, smiling face. One is “happy” on the morning of his birthday, discovering a new puppy bounding into his bedroom. On the other hand, the word “glad” conjures the image of a man standing crossed-armed, nodding gently. A stoic grin crossing his face. One is “glad” when he sees that the child’s lost puppy has been found, and was merely frolicking too far from home. Granted, the notion that close synonyms can be used interchangeably is prevalent among English speakers. And alas, the dictionary — the text purported to be responsible for clarifying such issues — is of little assistance. In the end, it is left to us, the speakers of the language, those actively responsible for maintaining its sustenance and generation, to understand how these words make us feel and what mood we are inclined to attach to them. Using the examples and insights described above, one may come to recognize these subtle, yet crucial, differences. 1.What is the thesis statement in this passage? 2.As used in paragraph 1, what is most likely meant by “scrupulous pedanticalness”? 3.As used in paragraph 2, which of the following best describes something that is superfluous? 4.In paragraph 3, the author writes: "To begin, 'hard' is pragmatic and realistic, firmly grounded in reality. It is a utilitarian word that gets the job done and doesn't apologize for its brusque, uncouth nature. On the other hand, "'difficult is eloquent and refined. It is civilized, willing to expend the effort necessary to appear urbane." Which of the following literary devices is used in this quotation? 5.With respect to the way in which close synonyms are commonly understood, the author's tone can best be described as ( ).'>

    It is not uncommon for close synonyms to be understood to share the same meaning. The difference between words like “hard” and "difficult", for example, goes tragically unnoticed. One may employ one or the other with complete indifference, postulating no discrepancy between them. In general this is well and good; most people lack the scrupulous pedanticalness to quibble over such trifles. Nevertheless, for those of us with ample compulsiveness (and time), it is of significant value to comprehend such nuances.Take for example the following sentences: 1) The test was hard. 2) The test was difficult. Is the difference between these synonyms readily apparent? I

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