♦ Read the text, which describe the experience of a company that had made big changes in its office procedures. ♦ Choose the best sentence following the text to fill each of the gaps.♦ Do not use any letter more than once.♦ There is an example at the beginning. (O)

Beyond PaperworkThe Danish electronics manufacturer, Oticon, is a leader in the move towards the paperless office. In their cafeteria a huge glass pipe runs from ceiling to floor. When the mail comes in, it is immediately scanned into the computer, shredded, and thrown down the tube to the general cheers of the employees. (O) Having all mail and memos available only as computer files to be read on the screen makes it easy to dispense with large physical storage spaces for people who work at desks. (1)Changing over to the paperless office required a rapid increase in computer literacy, but rather than set up a corporate training programme, they turned the problem over to employees. Eight months before the system was installed, they offered each employee a powerful personal computer for use at home in exchange for training themselves to use it. (2)The big change was not the move from paper memos to computer messages. Oticon realised that the more radical transformation is from written to verbal communication. (3) That adds up to a large number of face-to-face exchanges, a big improvement over memos and the occasional multi-hour sit-down consultation typical of the old culture. People do not send each other memos, they talk. As the CEO puts it, “We have jumped through the memo wall and gone right to action.”On the eighth of August 1991, the company left their old wood-panelled offices. (4) Since then they have cut in half the “time to market” on new products. The following year, sales and profits grew more than ever before. (5) In fact, despite a downsizing of 15 percent, employee satisfaction is hitting record highs.Oticon has created an organizational pattern that supports great freedom of action for individuals and teams. They have tied it together with a minimum hierarchy.The first clear results to show up were in the greater efficiencies generated by the fact that less time needed to be spent on management activities. (6)They also have some investment in the success of the project they choose. Oticon has succeeded in breaking the mould and taking a lead in non-bureaucratic organizational design.

A.This saving was possible because when people have real choice in the nature of their jobs, they commit themselves to being responsible for their areas of choice. B.They were headed for a new building and a new era in communication. C.Instead, they have large private areas on their hard disks for their correspondence. D.In spite of this, the physical office layout at Oticon is one of its most charming features. E.Over 90 percent accepted, and they organized a club to help one another learn. F.To facilitate this, the on-site coffee bars have now become the venue for about twenty meetings a day, averaging ten minutes and 2.7 participants each. G.So, are people happy with the change? H.Only about ten documents a day, items like legal contracts, escape this treatment.
A.This saving was possible because when people have real choice in the nature of their jobs, they commit themselves to being responsible for their areas of choice. B.They were headed for a new building and a new era in communication. C.Instead, they have large private areas on their hard disks for their correspondence. D.In spite of this, the physical office layout at Oticon is one of its most charming features. E.Over 90 percent accepted, and they organized a club to help one another learn. F.To facilitate this, the on-site coffee bars have now become the venue for about twenty meetings a day, averaging ten minutes and 2.7 participants each. G.So, are people happy with the change? H.Only about ten documents a day, items like legal contracts, escape this treatment.
A.This saving was possible because when people have real choice in the nature of their jobs, they commit themselves to bei



  • s="" moved="" out.="" '>

    The apartment has been ( )sine Smith's moved out.

    A.vacant B.versatile C.vacuum D.vain
  • It is very strange, but I had an ( )that the plane would crash.

    A.inspiration B.intuition C.imagination D.incentive
  • t="" happy="" about="" the="" delay,="" and="" (="" ).'>

    Tom wasn't happy about the delay, and ( ).

    A.I was neither B.I wasn't neither C.neither was I D.either was I
  • Even though it is a ( )explanation, I am not completely convinced.

    A.susceptible B.plausible C.plentiful D.reliable
  • t="" know="" much="" beyond="" their="" specific="" job.="" the="" first="" thing="" to="" do="" if="" you="" are="" looking="" for="" information="" on="" a="" particular="" topic="" is="" find="" right="" person="" help="" you.Approach one of the library staff members (preferably one behind the desk in the reference section), and say “Are you a reference librarian?” If you get an affirmative answer, then explain what you are looking for and, if appropriate, why you are looking for it. The reference librarian can then make a professional judgment about what materials to lead you to. People differ, of course, but generally reference librarians are eager to demonstrate the special training and knowledge they have. Many will really go all out to help you.1.A university may be regarded as a nice one because of ( ).2.If you want to get some information on a particular topic, you'd better ( ).3.Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage?4.If you'd like to make full use of the library, your priority is ( ).5.All of the following may be correct EXCEPT( ).'>

    Libraries are in some way the best evidence we have of civilization. In them is the accumulated knowledge of the ages. The core of a college or university is its library. Schools are spoken highly of for the size and effectiveness of their libraries. Since libraries go on indefinitely and survive even the oldest teachers, they are full of very old books.It is easy to think of a library as a place where a lot of old books sit unused on the shelf. On the other hand, libraries can be thought of as extremely timely and up to date. They have current books, magazines, newspapers, and other materials that would be very expensive and space-consuming if you were to subscribe to them all. Many libraries have extensive collections of non-book materials as well, including large recorded music collections.The best way to use a library is to have some idea of how it is organized. Then you can use the people in the library as efficiently as possible. It is the staff of the library that really makes it work. They know where to find the information you need. You should be aware that different people in the library have different jobs. They range from highly trained reference librarians to part-time clerical help who probably don't know much beyond their specific job. The first thing to do if you are looking for information on a particular topic is to find the right person to help you.Approach one of the library staff members (preferably one behind the desk in the reference section), and say “Are you a reference librarian?” If you get an affirmative answer, then explain what you are looking for and, if appropriate, why you are looking for it. The reference librarian can then make a professional judgment about what materials to lead you to. People differ, of course, but generally reference librarians are eager to demonstrate the special training and knowledge they have. Many will really go all out to help you.1.A university may be regarded as a nice one because of ( ).2.If you want to get some information on a particular topic, you'd better ( ).3.Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage?4.If you'd like to make full use of the library, your priority is ( ).5.All of the following may be correct EXCEPT( ).

    A.its size B.its old teachers C.its large library D.its old books
    A.seek help from reference librarians B.look it up in the card catalog C.go to the open-shelf library D.ask for a part-time clerk's suggestions
    A.You can get the latest information from the library B.There are few clerks in the library C.Libraries are out of date D.Schools should pay little attention to the size of their libraries
    A.to know the people in the library B.to be sure to know something about a particular topic C.to have an idea of the organization of the library D.to know the size and effectiveness of the library
    A.library should get rid of old books because they are out of date B.library is a sign of human civilization C.the kn
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  • 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在()
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