The( ) can help people to see very small objects.

A.metropolitan B.microphone C.microscope D.microware



  • There are several possible explanations for the great job ( )in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.

    A.creativity C.credibility D.stability
  • At night, cars often ( )small animals that are blinded by the headlights. over B.held up C.took apart D.drove at
  • There is no ( )to the house from the main road.

    A.access B.avenue C.exposure D.edge
  • re="" upset”;="" this="" suggests="" that="" you="" are="" somehow="" at="" fault="" for="" allowing="" yourself="" to="" get="" upset="" by="" what="" the="" other="" person="" has="" done.Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying “I‘m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement.These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness. Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children’s expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old mi«ht need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent’s clothes without permission is not.1.If a mother adds “but” to an apology ( ).2.According to the author, saying “I.m sorry you're upset” most probably means “ ( )”.3.It is not advisable to use the general, all-covering apology because ( ).4.We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry ( ).5.It can be inferred from the passage that apologizing properly is( ).'>

    If you want to teach your children how to say sorry you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children. But how you say it can Be quite tricky.If you say to your children “I’m sorry I got angry with you, but...” what follows that “but” can render the apology ineffective: “I had a bad day.” or “your noise was giving me a headache” leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology.Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say “I’m sorry you're upset”; this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying “I‘m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement.These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness. Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children’s expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old mi«ht need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent’s clothes without permission is not.1.If a mother adds “but” to an apology ( ).2.According to the author, saying “I.m sorry you're upset” most probably means “ ( )”.3.It is not advisable to use the general, all-covering apology because ( ).4.We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry ( ).5.It can be inferred from the passage that apologizing properly is( ).

    A.she doesn’t feel that she should have apologized. B.she does not realize that the child has been hurt C.The child may find the apology easier to accept D.The child may feel that he owes her an apology
    A.You have
  • Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ( )it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors. which which that that
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