I couldn't stop crying.Months oflate evenings and demanding travel had l my professional exterior.I tried to 2 my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed(局促不安)in their seats,offered me a box oftissues,or just 3.My boss 4 ended the meeting.My colleagues quickly 5 the room.l was left 6 in the conference room,crumpled tissues in hand.For women,crying in a professional 7 is often seen as the kiss of death:"Stop crying!Someone will see you.""Quick,run to the ladies'room!"These are just two 8 0f similar wamings I've heard throughout my career.But it's not just me.Female friends and colleagues have told me they too have been told to 9 the waterworks.It's a familiar 10 for women who cry at work:Escape to bathroom.Grab toilet paper.Wipe eyes.Blow nose.Take deep breath and sashay back into the conference rooms,banquet halls,auditoriums and hallways.Act as ifwe really did just have to use the 11.If,however,we can't make a pre-tears escape,we're likely to 12 0ur tails between our legs:"I'm so sorry.""Don't worry,that will never happen again.""You're right,that was so unprofessional."Most of the women I spoke with about this 13 explain that to cry in front of colleagues,especially male peers or bosses,14 as one ofthe most humiliating professional experiences.But times and corporate culture are both changing.Could crying have a less negative feeling ifleaders 15 it as natural?16 gender,leaders need to be trained on how t0 17 crying as another form of emotional expression.The 18 from the top needs to be that no one will lose credibility or be seen as less competent if they cry.Rather,they will be viewed as being 19 while helping to create an even more 20 workplace culture.4选?



  • Text 4 Henry Kissinger published an article in the June 2018 Atlantic Monthly detailing his belief artificial intelligence(AI)threatens to be a problem for humanity-probably an existential problem.He joins Elon Musk,Bill Gates,Stephen Hawking and others who have come out to declare the dangers ofAI.The difference is,unlike those scientists and technologists,the former secretary of State speaks with great authority to a wider audience that includes policy makers and political leaders,and so could have a much greater influence.And that's not a good thing.There's a widespread lack of precision in how we describe AI that is giving rise to a significant apprehension on its use in self-driving cars,automated farms,drone airplanes and many other areas where it could be extremely useful.In particular,Kissinger commits the same error many people do when talking about AI:the so-called conflation error.In this case the error comes about when the success ofAI programs in defeating humans in games such as chess and go are conflated with similar successes that might be achieved with AI programs used in supply chain management or claims adjustments or other,more futuristic areas.But the two situations are very different.The rules of games like chess and go are prescriptive,somewhat complicated and never change.They are,in the context of AI,"well bounded."A book teaching chess or go written 100 years ago is still relevant today.Training an AI to play one of these games takes advantage of this"boundedness"in a variety of interesting ways,including letting the AI decide how it will play.Now,however,imagine the rules of chess could change randomly at any time in any location:Chess on Tuesdays in Chicago has one set of rules but in Moscow there are a different set of rules on Thursdays.Chess players in Mexico use a completely different board,one for each month of the year.In Sweden the role for each piece can be decided by a player even after the game starts.In a situation like this it's obviously impossible to write down a single set rules that everyone can follow at all times in all locations.AI is today being applied to business systems like claims and supply chains that,by their very nature,are unbounded.It is impossible to write down all the rules an AI has to follow when adjudicating an insurance claim or managing the supply chain,even for something as simple as bubblegum.The only way to train an AI to manage one of these is to feed it massive amounts of data on all the'myriad processes and companies that make up an insurance claim or a simple supply chain.We then hope the Al can do the job-not just efficiently,but also ethically.
    To make AI manage better,the business department should_____
    A.try to write down all the rules
    B.adjust its way of managing
    C.provide sufficient relevant data
    D.simplify its complicated processes
  • Text 4 A US drug company has increased the price of an acne cream by more than 3,900%to$9,561 in less than 18 months in the latest example of drug"price cheating",which has enraged the American public and become a central topic of debate in the presidential election campaign.Novum Pharma,a recently formed privately held Chicago-based company,bought the rights to drug Aloquin in May 2015.The 60g cream,which contains two cheap ingredients,was sold by its previous owner,Primus Pharmaceuticals,for$241.50.Nowm almost immediately increased the price by l,100%,and hiked the price higher still in January 2016.Figures seen by the Financial 77mes show the company increased the price a third time last week to take the cost to$9,561.So-called"price cheating",in which companies buy the rights to older drugs and then vastly increase their cost,has provoked outrage across the country and led to calls for reform of the US healthcare system.Earlier this month,Hillary Clinton claimed"It's time to move beyond talking about these price hikes and start acting to address them.AlI Americans deserve full access to the medications they need-without being burdened by excessive,unjustified costs."Clinton said she would change the law to allow the"emergency importation"of safe altemative treatments from abroad.Aloquin contains two cheap active ingredients:a decades-old antibiotic,iodoquinol,and an extract from the aloe vera plant.Iodoquinol can be bought for as little as$30 a tube and aloe vera cream costs a few dollars.The drug is labelled as"possibly effective",as the US Food and Drug Administration has stated that there is only limited evidence that the drug is effective.Novum has also drastically increased the price of its other two skin creams,Alcortin A and Novacort.The drugs are prescription only,with the cost being mostly covered by health insurance or government assistance.In instances when the full cost of the treatment isn't covered by insurance,Novum provides coupons to reduce the proportion that patients have to pay,while collecting the rest from the health plan.The company,which is privately held and does not publish figures on sales or profits,did not reply to requests for comment.A spokesman told the public that the firm was founded by"a group oflike-minded investors who believe in the firm's focus ofproviding therapeutic innovations that are affordable for patients".40.The response ofNovum shows that——
    A.they are not under the supervision of FDA
    B.they are not regulated by the public
    C.they claimed to offer affordable drugs to the public
    D.they dare not to reply to the comment
  • 甲为了抢救伤员,在过往汽车拒绝将伤员送往医院时,将汽车司机推出车外,强行拦劫过往汽车将伤员送往医院。甲的行为构成
  • 论述守法的含义和构成要素。
  • While mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder are serious mental health conditions that require treatment,short spells of bad moods are a normal part of the human experience.Be it advertising or social media,people have wrongly l happiness like a commodity,an end goal,or a permanent state of mind.2,allowing oneself to experience disappointment,frustration,longing,and other negative moods is 3 as part of our learning process.In some cases,a bad mood can 4 0ffer some benefits A new study from Canada found high-reactive individuals(i.e.people who feel bad moods more strongly)performed better on memory tests than their 5."It has been suggested that some of our thinking skills may 6 benefit from being in a bad mood because a bad mood 7 us to adopt a more analytic mindset and pay closer attention to detail,"said the lead author.Researchers believe there is a scientific 8 for the trope of the tortured artist or the idea that great creative works are 9 0ut of negative emotions more often than not.Take the example of music-from Fleetwood Mac's"Rumours"to Kanye West's"My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,"some of the most 10 acclaimed albums of all time were created when their respective artists were experiencing emotional turmoil."In some cases,intense negative emotions can create powerful self-reflective thought and perseverance,11 increased creativity,"one study stated.So the next time you happen to be down in the dumps,try t0 12 it with a creative outlet 13 writing or painting.In the brain,negative moods are 14 to the presence of a threat.This results in heightened awareness,making us more 15 0f our surroundings i.e.paying more attention to social cues,body language,etc*This effect can put you in a better place to 16 intentions or actions and notice 17 someone is trying to deceive you.18,past research has presented some surprising findings,linking a slightly negative mood with lower 19 to stereotype other people.People in a good mood may be prone to stereotyping-which is classified 20 a form of"heuristic processing"by cognitive psychologists.17选?
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