学历类 - 英语考试

Farmers' Markets
Charlotte Hollins knows she faces a battle.The 23-year-old British farmer and her 21-year-old brother Ben are fighting to save the farm from developers that their father worked on since he was 14.________(46)
"You don't often get a day off. Supermarkets put a lot of pressure on farmers to keep prices down.With fewer people working on farms it can be isolating,"she said."There is a high rate of suicide and farming will never make you rich!"
Oliver Robinson,25,grew up on a farm in Yorkshire._________(47)"I'm sure dad hoped I'd stay,"he said."I guess it's a nice,straightforward life,but it doesn't appeal.For young,ambitious people,farm life would be a hard world."For Robinson,farming doesn't offer much"in terms of money or lifestyle".Hollins agrees that economics stops people from pursuing farming rewards: "providing for a vital human need,while working outdoors with nature."
Farming is a big political issue in the UK._________(48)The 2001 foot and mouth crisis closed thousands of farms,stopped meat exports,and raised public consciousness of troubles in UK farming.
Jamie Oliver's 2005 campaign to get children to eat healthily also highlighted the issue.This national concern spells(带来)hope for farmers competing with powerful supermarkets.__________ (49)
"I started going to Farmers' Markets in direct defiance(蔑视)of the big supermarkets."
"________(50)It's terrible,"said Londoner Michael Samson.
A:But he never considered staying on his father and grandfather's land.
B:While most people buy food from the big supermarkets,hundreds of independent Farmers' Markets are becoming popular.
C:While confident they will succeed,she lists farming's many challenges.
D:Young people prefer to live in cities.
E:I seriously objected to the super-sizing of everything一what exactly do they put on our apples to make them so big and red?
F:"Buy British"campaigns urge(鼓励)consumers not to buy cheaper imported foods.
He is a physician.
G8 Summit
Leaders of the Group of Eight Major Industrialized Nations(G8)will meet in Scotland in July this year. Representatives from China,India,Mexico,South Africa and Brazil have also been invited.Here's what the G8 leaders want from the meeting.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants the G8 to cancel debt to the world's poorest' countries. He wants them to double aid to Africa to 50 billion pounds by 2010.He has also proposed reducing subsidies to Western farmers and removing restrictions on African exports.This has not got the approval of all members because it will hurt their agricultural interests.On climate change,Blair wants concerted(共同的)action by reducing carbon emissions(排放).
US President George W. Bush agrees to give help to Africa. But he says he doesn't like the idea of increasing aid to countries as it will increase corruption.Bush said he would not sign an agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions at the summit,according to media. The US is the only G8 member not to have signed the Kyoto Protocol(《京都议定书》).Although the US is the world's biggest polluter,Bush so far refuses to believe there is sufficient scientific data to establish beyond a doubt that there is a problem.
French President Jacques Chirac supports Blair on Africa and climate change.He is determined to get the US to sign the climate change deal.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder remains doubtful of Blair's Africa proposals.Schroder's officials have dismissed the notion that money will solve Africa's problems as"old thinking".Berlin says that African states should only receive extra money if they can prove they've solved the corruption problem.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was doubtful about the value of more aid to Africa. But he has seen a way to make this work to his advantage.Putin intends to use the aid to Africa as a springboard(跳板)next year to propose aid to the former Soviet republics of Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Moldova.
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's priorities are a seat on the UN Security Council, for which he will be lobbying(游说)at the summit. And he's concerned about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's nuclear weapons programme.
According to media,Bush will sign the Kyoto Protocol at the summit.
C:Not mentioned
A Success Story
At 19,Ben Way is already a millionaire,and one of a growing number of teenagers who have ______(51)their fortune through the Internet.______(52)makes Ben's story all the more remarkable is that he is dyslexic,and was______(53)by teachers at his junior school that he would never be able to read or write______(54).“I wanted to prove them______(55)”, says Ben,creator and director of Waysearch,a net search engine which can be used ______(56)find goods in online shopping malls.
When he was eight,his local authorities provided him with a PC to help with school work.
Although he was______(57)to read the manuals,he had a natural ability with the computer, and______(58)by his father,he soon began______(59)people£10 an hour for his
knowledge and skills.At the age of 15 he______(60)up his own computer consultancy, Quad Computer,which he ran from his bedroom,and two years later he left school to ______(61)all his time to business.
“By this time the company had grown and I needed to take on a______(62)of employees to help me”,says Ben.“That enabled me to start doing business with______(63)companies.”It was his ability to consistently______(64)difficult challenges that led him to win the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in the same year that he formed Waysearch,and he has re-cently signed a deal______(65)£25 million with a private investment company,which will finance his search engine.
A: This
B: That
C: Something
D: What
Animal's"Sixth Sense" A tsunami was triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in December,2004.It killed tens of thousands of people in Asia and East Africa.Wild animals,______(51),seem to have escaped that terrible tsunami."This phenomenon adds weight to notions that they possess a "sixth sense" for ______(52),"experts said. Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast clearly______(53)wild beasts,with no dead animals found. "No elephant are dead,not______(54)a dead rabbit.I think animals can______(55) disaster.They have a sixth sense.They know rhen things are happening." H. D.Ratnayake,deputy director of Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department,said about one month after the tsunami attack.The ______(56)washed floodwaters up to 2 miles inland at Yala National Park in the ravaged southeast,Sri Lanka’s biggest wildlife______(57)and home to hundreds of wild elephants and several leopards. "There has been a lot of______(58)evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.But it has not been proven," said Matthew van Lierop,an animal behavior______(59)at Johannesburg Zoo. "There have been no______(60)studies because you can't really test it in a lab or field setting."he told Reuters.Other authorities concurred with this_______(61). "Wildlife seems to be able to pick up certain_______(62),especially birds… there are many reports of birds detecting impending disasters,"said Clive Walker,who has written several books on Mrican wildlife. Animals______(63)rely on the known senses,such as smell or hearing,to avoid danger such as predators. The notion of an animal's"sixth sense”-or______(64)other mythical power is an enduring one which the evidence on Sri Lanka's ravaged coast is likely to add to, The Romans saw owls______(65)omens of impending disaster and many ancient cultures viewed elephants as sacred animals endowed with special powers or attributes.
Travel Across Africa
For six hours we shot through the barren(荒芜的)landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just
rocks and sand and baking sun.Knowing our journey was ending,Daniel and I just wanted to remember all
we had seen and done.He used a camera. I used words.I had already finished three notebooks and was into
the fourth,a beautiful leather notebook I'd bought in a market in Mozambique.
Southern Africa was full of stories and visions.We were almost drunk in sensations.The roaring(咆哮)
of the water at Victoria Falls,the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.
And then the other things:dogs in the streets,whole families in Soweto living in one room,a kilometre
from clean water.
As we drove towards the setting sun,a quietness fell over us.The road was empty一we hadn't seen
another car for hours.And as I drove,something caught my eye,something moving close enough to touch
them,to smell their hot breath.I didn't know how long they had been there next to us.
I shouted to Daniel:"Look!"But he was in a deep sleep,his camera lying useless by his feet. They
raced the car for a few seconds,then disappeared far behind us,a memory of heroic forms in the red
When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened.
"Wild horses?"he said."Why didn't you wake me up,Sophia?"
"I tried.But they were gone after a few seconds.”
"Are you sure you didn't dream it?"
"You were the one who was sleeping!"
"Typical,"he said."The best photos are the ones we never take."
We checked into a dusty hotel'and slept the sleep of the dead.
Sophia woke Daniel up so that he could take photos of the horses.
C:Not mentioned
Highways in the US
The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one
place to another in the shortest possible time.________(51)these wide. modern roads are generally
smooth and well maintained,with__________(52)sharp curves and many straight sections,a direct route
is not always the most__________________(53)one.Large highways often pass_________(54)scenic areas and
interesting small towns.Furthermore,these highways generally_______________(55)large urban centers which
means that they become crowded with_(56)traffic during rush hours,when the"fast,direct"
way becomes a very slow route.However,there is_____________(57)always another route to take if you are not
in a hurry.Not far from the____________(58)new"superhighways",there are often older,________________(59)
heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside._________(60)of these are good two-lane roads;
others are uneven roads ________ (61)through the country.These secondary routes may go up steep
slopes along hilly__________ (62)or down frightening hillsides to towns___________(63)in deep valleys.
Though these are less direct routes,longer and slower,they generally go to places____________(64)the air
is clean and the scenery is beautiful,and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh,clean_____________ (65)
of the world.
Verne's Accurate Previw of the Future
Since the beginning of time,man has been interested in the moon.The Romans designed a special day to show admiration and respect to the moon.They called it“Moonday”,or “Monday”,as we know it today.Later,the great mind of Leonardo da Vinci studied the moon and designed a machine to carry a human to the moon.Leonardo said that one day a great machine bird would take a person to the moon and bring great honor to the home where it was born.
Four and a half centuries later,Leonardo's idea was realized.Apollo Ⅱ took three
Americans一Collins,Aldrin,and Armstrong一to the moon.The mission did fill the whole world with great surprise,as Leonardo had said it would.Numerous essays,articles,and books were written about man's first moon mission.But perhaps the most interesting story was one written before the event一over 100 years ago.
In 1865,French author Jules Verne wrote a story about the first journey to the moon.His story was very similar to the 1969 Apollo Ⅱ mission.
Verne's spacecraft also contained three men一two Americans and a Frenchman.The spacecraft was described as being almost the same size as Apollo Ⅱ .The launch site in Verne's story was also in Florida.The spacecraft in Verne's story was named the“Columbiad”aa.The Apollo Ⅱ command ship was called“Columbia”.His account of sending the space-craft into the space could easily have been written about how Apollo Ⅱ was sent into the space.
Verne's story was the same as the actual event in several other respects.The speed of Verne's spacecraft was 36,000 feet per second;Apollo's was 35,533 feet per second.Verne's spacecraft took 97 hours to reach the moon;Apollo's time was 103 hours.Like Apollo's spacemen,Verne's spacemen took pictures of the moon's surface,relaxed on their seats, cooked with gas,and experienced weightlessness.They also came down in the Pacific and were picked up by an American warship.
What were the reasons for Jules Verne's extreme accuracy in describing an event 100 years or more before it actually occurred?He based his writings on the laws of physics and astronomy(天文学).Nineteenth-century science and the vivid Verne's imagination gave people an unbelievable accurate preview of the greatest events of the 20th century.
According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?
A:Monday is named by the Greek to show their respect to the sun.
B:Unfortunately,Leonardo's idea wasn't realized before he died.
C:Apollo II was launched from California in 1969.
D:Amazingly,Verne's story was exactly the same as the actual event.
Communications Revolution Cyberspace,data superhighway,multi-media-for those who have seen the future,the linking of computers, television and telephones will change our lives forever.Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.As with all new high technology,while the West concerns itself.with the"how",the question of"for whom"is put aside once again. Economists are only now realizing the full extent to which the communications revolution has affected the world economy.Information technology allows the extension of trade across geographical and industrial boundaries,and transnational corporations take full advantage of it.Terms of trade,exchange and interest rates and money movements are more important than the production of goods.The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global markets-with destructive impact on the have-nots. For them the result is instability.Developing countries which rely on the production of a small range of goods for export are made to feel like small parts in the international economic machine.As"futures"are traded on computer screens,developing countries simply have less and less control of their destinies. So what are the options for regaining control?One alternative is for developing countries to buy in the latest computers and telecommunications themselves-so-called"development communications"modernization.Yet this leads to long-term dependency and perhaps permanent constraints on developing countries'economies. Communications technology is generally exported from the U.S.,Europe or Japan;the patents,skills and ability to manufacture remain in the hands of a few industrialized countries.It is also expensive,and imported products and services must therefore be bought on credit-credit usually provided by the very countries whose companies stand to gain. Furthermore,when new technology is introduced there is often too low a level of expertise to exploit it for native development.This means that while local elites,foreign communities and subsidiaries of transnational corporations may benefit,those whose lives depend on access to the information are denied by it.
The author's attitude toward the communications revolution is______.
The curious looks from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy.
Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)
Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable for natural beauty, has
a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all
over the world making various contributions to it.However,before the arrival of these immigrants,the Taino
people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh
shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.
Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ-
enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to Puerto
Rico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to
create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the
island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes.
In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im--
ported by foreigners to the island.
A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的).it' s
true that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans
enjoy. However, milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican
dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful
of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A:Taino dishes are important in Puerto Rican cooking.
B:Food imported by foreigners isn't really Puerto Rican.
C:Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences.
D:African foods have probably had the most influence.
Body Language in the United States
1.Most people shake hands and make eye contact when they meet people for the first time.Among very good friends,a woman may give another woman a little hug,and a man may kiss a woman quickly on the cheek.Males don't usually hug one another,however,this is changing.Men usually shake hands with the right hand.Sometimes they use the left hand to either cover the handshake or lightly hold the other person's arm.This shows greater warmth and friendship.Most people wave hello or good-bye by extending the arm,palm facing outward,and twisting the hand at the wrist.Another way is to raise the arm,palm outward,and move the whole arm and hand back and forth.This is important to know because in many other countries,the same movements mean"no".
2.When people are waiting in a public place,such as the post office,they usually form lines.Some people get angry and complain if someone pushes their way into a line or jumps ahead of other people.Moreover,many women like men to open doors for them.They also like men to give up their seats on public transportation.However,some women do not like this type of behavior.They feel that men and women should be treated in the same way.
3.In the United States,it's important to make direct eye contact in business and social situations.If you don't make eye contact,people will probably think that you are bored or not interested.If there is silence in these situations,people usually try to make conversation.Periods of silence make many people uncomfortable.People in the United States usually stand about one arm's length away from each other while talking or standing together.This space is called"the comfort zone".
4.In the United States,mothers sometimes show that they are angry with children by shaking an index finger at them.People may show that they like children by patting them on the top of the head.
Some women don't want men to give up their seats on________.
A:public transportation
B:the handshake
C:a business meeting
D:line of people
E:her kids
F:long period of silence
Successful Language Learners
1. Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages.They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules or grammar,and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others.They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others,so what makes language learning so much eas- ier for them?Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners,we may dis- cover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.
2. First of all,successful language learners are independent learners.They do not depend on the book or the teacher;they discover their own way to learn the language.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves.They are good guess-ers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.When they guess wrong,they guess again. They try to learn from mistakes.
3. Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore,successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language;they look for such a chance.They find people who speak the lan-guage and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake.They will try anything to communicate .They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things;they are willing to make mistakes and try again .When communication is difficult,they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.
4. Finally,successful language learners are learners with a purpose.They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it.It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.
5. What kind of language learner are you?If you are a successful language learner,you have probably been learning independently,actively,and purposefully. On the other hand,if your language learning has been less than successful,you might as well try some of the techniques outlined above.
Paragraph 2______
A: Ways to Learn a Language Successfully.
B: Learning a language Purposefully.
C: Learning a Language Actively.
D: Learning a Language Independently.
E: Learning from Mistakes.
F: Learning to Think in the Target Language.
The Beginning of American Literature America has always been a land of beginnings.After Europeans"discovered"America in the fifteenth century,the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine hope of a new life,an escape from poverty and persecution,a chance to start again.We can say that,as a nation,America begins with that hope.When,however,does American literature begin?
American literature begins with American experiences.Long before the first colonists arrived,before Christopher Columbus,before the Northmen who"found"America about the year 1000,native Americans lived here.Each tribe's literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of linking with the land.Another kind of experience,one filled with fear and excitement,found its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers sent home in Spain, French and English.In addition,the journals of the people who lived and died in the New England wilder- ness tell unforgettable tales of hard and sometimes heartbreaking experiences of those early years. Experience,then, is the key to early American literature.
The New World provided a great variety of experiences,and these experiences demanded a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early American writers.These writers included John Smith,who spent only two-and-a-half year on the American continent.
They included Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd,who thought of themselves as British subjects,never suspecting a revolution that would create a United States of America with a literature of its own.American Indians,explorers,Puritan ministers,frontier wives,plantation owners-they are all the creators of the first American literature.
What can we learn from the literature of the tribes of the native Americans?
A:About the everyday life of the native Americans.
B:About the arrival of Columbus.
C:About the experience of the first European settlers.
D:About the experience of those who died in the New England wilderness.
The White House
We got up early this morning and_______(1)a long walk after breakfast.We
walked through the business section of the city.I told you yesterday that the city is larger
_________(2)I thought it would be.__________(3)the business section is smaller
than I thought it would be.I suppose that's________(4)Washington is a special kind of
city.________(5)the people in Washington work for the government.About 9:30 we
went to the White House.It's_________(6)to the public from 10 till 12,and there was a
long line of people waiting to get in.We didn't have to wait very long,because the line
The White House is really white.It is painted every year. And it seems very white,
because it's got beautiful lawns all around it,________(8)many trees and shrubs.The
grounds_________(9)about four square blocks.I mean,they're about two blocks long
_________(10)each side.Of course,we didn't see the whole building.The part
_________(11)the President lives and works is not open to the public.But the part we
saw was beautiful.We went through five of the main rooms.One of them was the library,
on the ground floor.On the next floor,there are three rooms named_________(12)
the colors that are used in them:the Red Room,the Blue Room,and the Green
Room.The__________(13)are covered with silk cloth.__________(14)are many
pieces of old furniture,from the time_________(15)the White House was first built.
And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and other famous
people from history.
Have You Filled Up The Form?
Of all things in the world,I most dislike filling up forms.In fact,I have a______(51) horror of it.Applying for a living license,______(52)for an evening course,booking a holi- day abroad-everything nowadays seems to involve______(53)information about one's per-sonal life and habits that has little or nothing to do with the matter______(54)hand.When applying for a job,it may be______(55)some obscure interest to a______(56)employer to learn that I collect stamp or had measles as a child,but why should he conceivably want to know that my father was a tobacconist who died in 1988?
The authorities who______(57)one to fill up forms,frequently demand answers to questions that one would hesitate to put______(58)one's intimate friends.rrhe worst of it is that, when______(59)with such questions,my mind goes blank.Have I ever suffered from a seri-ous illness?My mother always assured me I was“delicate”.Do I suffer from any personal de-fects?Well,I wear contact lenses and my upper teeth are not my own,hut perhaps the word“de-fects”______(60)to my character.Am I supposed to______(61)that I like gambling,and find it difficult to get up in the morning?Both of them are true.
Of all,I think job applications are the worst,“education”—previous experience—post held—give______(62)…Terrified by the awful warning about giving false______(63) which appear at the bottom of the form,I struggle to remember what exams I passed and how long I worked for what firms.______(64)hard I try,there always seems to be a year or two for which I cannot satisfactorily account and which I am certain,if left______(65),that will give the impression that I was in prison or engaged in some occupation too dubious to mention.
A: attending
B: registering
C: inviting
D: working
Schooling and Education
It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless,it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school.The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere,whether in the shower or in the job,whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning.The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio,from a child to a distinguished scientist.
Whereas schooling has a certain predictability,education quite often produces surprises.A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.People are engaged in education from infancy on.Education,then,is a very broad,inclusive term. It is a lifelong process,a process that starts long before the start of school,and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.Schooling,on the other hand,is a specific,formalized process,whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next.
Throughout a country,children arrive at school at approximately the same time,take assigned seats,are taught by an adult,use similar textbooks,do homework,take exams,and so on.The slices of reality that are to be learned,whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government,have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example,high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.
There is no difference between schooling and education in the United States.
C:Not mentioned
Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well?
How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well?When we compare them with adults
learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without knowledge or experience
often succeeds in a complete mastery(精通)of the language,A grown-up person with fully developed mental
powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact command(掌握).What accounts for this
Despite other explanations,the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself,partly in the
behavior of thle people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue is the most fa-
vorable of all,namely,the first years of life.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is
more important,always in its genuine form,wirth the right pronunciation,right intonation,right use of words
and right structure. He drinks in(吸收)all the words and expressions, which come to him in a flash, ever-
bubbling( 冒泡的)spring. There is no resistailce: there is perfect assimilation.
Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language-student has
each week a limited number of hours,which he generally shares withothers.The child has another advan-
tage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and
facial expiessiotis.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found in language lessons in schools,
when noe talks aboult ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January.And what a child hears is generally
what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech are successful,his desires are
understood and fulfilled.
Finally,though a child's"teachers"may not have been trained in language teaching,their relations
with him are always close and personal.They take great pains to make their lessons easy.
A child learning his native language has the advantage of having private lessons all the year round.
C:Not mentioned

The Beginning of American Literature

America has always been a land of beginnings.After Europeans"discovered"America in the fifteenth

century,the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine hope of a new life,an escape from

poverty and persecution,a chance to start again.We can say that,as a nation,America begins with that

hope.When,however,does American literature begin?

American literature begins with Amnerican experiences.Long before the first colonists arrived,before

Christopher Columbus,before the Northmen who"found"America about the year 1000,Native Americans

lived here. Each trilbe's literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daiiy life and reflected the unmistakably

American experience of lining with the land。Anoiher kind of experience,one filled with fear and excite-

ment,found its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers sent home in Spain,French and

English.In addition,the journals of the people who lived and died in the New England wilderness tell

unforgettable tales of hard and sometimes heartbreaking experiences of those early years.

Experience,then,is the key to early American literature.The New World provided a great variety of

experiences,and these experiences deniauded a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early

American writers.These wnters included John Smith,who spent only two-and-a-half year on the American

continent.They included Jonathlan Edwards and William Byrd,who thought of themselves as British sub-

jects,never suspecting a revolution that would create a United States of America with a literature of its own.

American Indians,explorers,Puritan ministers,frontier wives,plantation owners一they are all the creators

of the first American literature.
When did American literature begin?
A:Before the American natives lived there.
B:When Columbus and other explorers sent reports back home.
C:When the Northmen found America in about 1000.
D:Long before the year 1000.
Brotherly Love
Adidas and Puma have been two of the biggest names in sports shoe manufacturing for over half a centuly.
Since 1928 they have supplied shoes for Olympic athletes,World Cup-winning football heroes,Muhammad
Ali,hip hop stars and rock musicians famous all over the world.But the story of these two companies begins
in one house in the town of Herzogenaurach,Germany.
Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of a shoemaker. They loved sports but complained that they
could never find comfortable shoes to play in.Rudolph always said,"You cannot play sports wearing shoes
that you'd walk around town with."So they started making their own.In 1920 Adolph made the first pair of
athletic shoes with spikes(钉),produced on the Dasslers'kitchen table.
On 1st July 1924 they formed a shoe company,Dassler Brothers Ltd and they worked together for many
years.The company became successful and it provided the shoes for Germany's athletes at the 1928 and
1932 Olympic Games.
But in 1948 the brothers argued.No one knows exactly what happened,but family members have sug-
gested that the argument was about money or women.The result was that Adolph left the company.His nick-
name was Adi,and using this and the first three letters of the family name,Dassler,he founded Adidas.
Rudolph relocated across the River Aurach and founded his own company,too.At first he wanted to
call it Ruda,but eventually he called it Puma,after the wild cat.The famous Puma logo of the jumping cat
has hardly changed since.
After the big split of 1948 Adolph and Rudolph never spoke to each other again and their companies
have now been in competition for over sixty years.Both companies were for many years the market leaders,
though Adidas has always been more successful than Puma.A hip hop group,Run DMC,has even written。
song called"My Adidas"and in 2005 Adidas bought Reebok,another big sports shoe company.
The terrible family argument should really be forgotten,but ever since it happened,over sixty years
ago,the town has been split into two.Even now,some Adidas employees and Puma employees don't talk to
each other.
Adidas and puma began to make shoes at the end of 19th century.
C:Not mentioned