Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD (光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip, where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank. Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank (猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account, one year later, you’ll have more money than you put in. Why?When you keep your money in a bank, your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money. The bank uses your money (and the money of other people,too) to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned. If you leave your money in the bank, you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD. If you have some money that you don’t need to use for a long time, this is a good way to make yourmoney grow.You can buy a CD at a bank. You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time. That period might be from six months to five years. You can't touch your money during that time. If you do, you must pay a penalty, or fee.A bank pays you interest for A wasting your money.B losing your money.C using your money.D decreasing your money.

相关热点: 储蓄罐  



  • 共用题干第二篇
    Saving Money
    Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are
    saving to buy a CD(光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money
    somewhere in your room.
    If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
    you save your money?
    One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
    help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄
    罐),one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put
    your money in a savings account,one year later,you'II have more money than you put
    When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is an
    amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and the
    money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
    The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you
    how much money you have in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
    earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
    Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
    some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
    money grow.
    You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
    time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
    during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee. A bank pays you interest forA:wastinlg your money. B:losing your money.C:using your money. D:decreasing your money.
  • Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a CD (光盘)or to go to a concert,then probably you would keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip, where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank. Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank (猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in. If you put your money in a savings account, one year later, you’ll have more money than you put in. Why?When you keep your money in a bank, your money earns interest. Interest is an amount of money a bank pays you to use your money. The bank uses your money (and the money of other people,too) to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money you have in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned. If you leave your money in the bank, you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD. If you have some money that you don’t need to use for a long time, this is a good way to make yourmoney grow.You can buy a CD at a bank. You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time. That period might be from six months to five years. You can't touch your money during that time. If you do, you must pay a penalty, or fee.If you draw your money before it is due, you will have to A pay interest to the bank.B close your account.C open a new account.D pay a penalty or fee.
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